[DCRM-L] New Standard Citation Forms in April

Ann K.D. Myers akdmyers at stanford.edu
Thu Apr 28 18:29:13 MDT 2016

The Standard Citation Forms (SCF) editorial team added 9 new citation forms to the database (http://rbms.info/scf/) in April. They are as follows:

  *   Lada-Mocarski, V. Bibliography of books on Alaska published before 1868 http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=lada-mocarski-v-bibliography-of-books-on-alaska-published-before-1868
  *   Park, H. List of architectural books available in America before the Revolution http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=park-h-list-of-architectural-books-available-in-america-before-the-revolution
  *   Harrisse, H. Notes pour servir à l'histoire, à la bibliographie et à la cartographie de la Nouvelle-France et des pays adjacents 1545-1700 http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=harrisse-h-notes-pour-servir-a-lhistoire-a-la-bibliographie-et-a-la-cartographie-de-la-nouvelle-france-et-des-pays-adjacents-1545-1700
  *   List of maps of America in the Library of Congress http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=list-of-maps-of-america-in-the-library-of-congress
  *   Institute of Jamaica. Bibliography of the West Indies (excluding Jamaica) http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=institute-of-jamaica-bibliography-of-the-west-indies-excluding-jamaica
  *    Polak, J. Bibliographie maritime franc?aise http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=polak-j-bibliographie-maritime-franc%CC%A7aise
  *    Polak, J. Bibliographie maritime franc?aise (supplement) http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=polak-j-bibliographie-maritime-franc%CC%A7aise-supplement
  *   Sperling, J.G. South Sea Company http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=sperling-j-g-south-sea-company
  *   Union list of serials in libraries of the United States and Canada http://rbms.info/scf/?scf_entries=union-list-of-serials-in-libraries-of-the-united-states-and-canada

A complete list of citation forms added so far this year can be found here: http://scfrevision.pbworks.com/w/page/105235281/New%20citation%20forms%20created%202016

In addition to creating these new citation forms, the always excellent Web Team was able to solve a search problem which had resulted in second authors not being included in author searches. All authors listed in our bibliographic entries are now searchable via the Author search.

Many thanks to the Web Team for all of their efforts to keep us up and running, and thank you to everyone who contributes new entries or points out things that need fixing!

--Ann Myers

Ann K.D. Myers

Rare Books Cataloger

Stanford University Libraries

Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives

425 Broadway, Suite 200

Redwood City, CA 94063


akdmyers at stanford.edu
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