[DCRM-L] Controlled Vocabularies updates

Carpenter, Jane jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu
Sat Jun 18 16:08:54 MDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The Controlled Vocabularies Community Discussion Blog http://rbms.info/cv-comments/ has been updated with scope notes for 9 new terms:

1.  Hymns
2.  Hymnals
3.  Imaginary conversations
4.  Indexes
5.  Interviews
6.  Itineraries
7.  Laboratory notes
8.  Large print books
9.  Lecture notes

The comment period for all new scope notes will run through June 24, 2016.  The Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group will meet in Orlando on Sat. June 25, 2016, and will review all comments at that time for possible revisions.  In addition to reviewing proposed scope notes, we will be working in two groups to draft scope notes for the remaining 36 terms of the Genre Terms thesaurus.

All are welcome to join us Saturday, July 25 in the Lake Sheen Room of the Hilton Orlando starting at 3:00 pm.

With thanks for your interest and comments,

Jane Carpenter and Ryan Hildebrand, Co-Chairs

Amy F. Brown, Genre Terms Scope Note Project Leader

RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group

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