[DCRM-L] Help with signature statement

Rich, Allison allison_rich at brown.edu
Fri Jul 28 07:55:15 MDT 2023

Hi Katherine:

Donald responded to me via Exlibris and he's also at a loss.
He suggested I email Michael Winship which I have done.
DCRM for music is also not much of a help in the rules for section 58B.

"The rules in 5B8 do not apply to works which are entirely (or mostly in
engraved leaves / pages).
Rule 5B8.6. As a last resort, if a publication’s gatherings cannot be
ascertained, or it is
otherwise difficult to tell whether a leaf constitutes a plate, record it
in terms of
pages or leaves of plates if unnumbered, and pages or leaves of music or
text if
included in the pagination."


On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 3:05 PM Katharine Chandler via DCRM-L <
dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu> wrote:

> Hi, Allison:
> I expected Don Krummel might have some answer to this, but take a look at
> Tanselle's article (which references Krummel's work):
> https://www.jstor.org/stable/40371751 (The Description of Non-Letterpress
> Material in Books, Studies in Bibliography, Vol 35, 1982, pp 1-42).
> Of course, this article is super-involved, but has some suggestions of how
> to express this kind of book.
> Best,
> Katharine Chandler
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 10:24 AM Rich, Allison via DCRM-L <
> dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> I am cataloguing: The New-England psalm-singer: or, American chorister /
>> by William Billings, Boston: Edes and Gill, 1770.
>> The prelims, pages 10, [1], 8, [1], 9-22, are a mix of letterpress and
>> engraved leaves by Paul Revere.
>> Pages 1-10, 1st count, are letterpress and are signed A1-4 with B1 being
>> pasted on to A4
>> Pages [1], 1-8, and [1] are fully engraved and unsigned; page [1], 2nd
>> count, is a blank recto, and pages 8, and [1], 2nd and 3rd counts, pasted
>> on to page 7, with page [1], 3rd count, a blank verso. This is gathering [C]
>> Pages 9-22 are letterpress and unsigned; there are 7 leaves with the [D]3
>> pasted on to [D]2.
>> How do I express this, I am mostly having trouble with gatherings [C] and
>> [D].
>> I have not seen anything like this before and I am stumped.
>> Thank you all for your kind help,
>> Allison
>> --
>> ********************************
>> "Outside of a dog,
>> a book is probably man's best friend,
>> and inside of a dog,
>> it's too dark to read.
>> - Groucho Marx"
>> Allison Rich
>> Head of Cataloguing and Technical Services
>> ESTC and NACO Coordinator
>> John Carter Brown Library
>> Providence, Rhode Island
>> Allison_Rich at brown.edu
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"Outside of a dog,
a book is probably man's best friend,
and inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read.
- Groucho Marx"

Allison Rich
Head of Cataloguing and Technical Services
ESTC and NACO Coordinator
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, Rhode Island
Allison_Rich at brown.edu
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