<font color="#008000">I also have proofread Area 6. Since Jim did such a
careful job, he already caught most of the same things I did. So, I'll
simply respond to his message with my comments.<br>
</font>At 01:35 PM 9/8/2006, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2>Some of these
comments go </font><font face="arial" size=2>a bit </font>beyond the
proofing request. Ignore if desired. <br>
<font face="arial" size=2> - </font>Jim.<br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: Contents: This might be something that gets
taken care of in the formatting for final printing stage, but a tab added
between the area number and the text would make the text line up better.
Obviously, this applies to the entire document.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2>p. 111:<br>
- 6A1. Add boldface: "6A1. Prescribed
<font color="#008000">RSB: 6A1. Check. Also, might you consider adding
the word "series" to the 4th and 5th instructions? (Precede
each parallel <b>series </b>title by an equals sign; Precede other
<b>series </b>title information by a colon)<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font face="arial" size=2>
p. 113:<br>
- 6A2.6. Add under example, to parallel treatment of 6G2
example : "(<i>Editorial comment</i>: Providing the Mosher
information is optional)" ? </font></blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I don't see 6A2.6 and 6G2 as parallel. 6A2.6
is already optional; adding the editorial comment would be redundant. The
point of 6G2 is transcribing the number; adding the citation for the
series is the optional part. However, I do wonder if putting the quotes
around the series name shouldn't be consistent in the 2 examples. Should
the example in 6A2.6 have quotes (Issued as no. 14 in the "Brocade
series." ...) or should the quotes be removed from the 6G2
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2> - 6B1.
Might 6B1 be taken as contradicting 6A2? If so, perhaps change to:
"...according to the general rules 0B, 0E$B!>(B0G". If not,
ignore this comment.</font></blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I don't think these rules are contradictory.
6A2 deals with the prescribed source; 6B1 is about transcription. I think
it is fine as is.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2> - 6C1.
Delete sentence "Precede each parallel series title by an equals
sign." This is redundant of 6A, and no equivalent appears in the 1C1
rule for parallelism.</font><font face="arial" size=2>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I agree.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2> <br>
</font><font face="arial" size=2>p. 114:<br>
</font> - 6E1. Move <font face="arial" size=2>final </font>sentence
above example, to parallel treatment in 6G1.1: "However, if the
statement of responsibility is grammatically inseparable from the series
title, see 6B2." </blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: Or, move the final sentence of 6G1.1 to follow
the example. Either way works for me, but I think they should be the same
in both paragraphs.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font face="arial" size=2>
- </font>Also, add a sentence to
<font face="arial" size=2>6E1 to </font>echo 4B6.4 to the effect:
"Do not also transpose and transcribe a statement of responsibility
if it must be recorded as a grammatically inseparable part of the series
title." <font face="arial" size=2>? </font></blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I think 6E1 is fine as is. <br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2>p. 115:<br>
</font>- 6G1.1. To echo 4B6.4, add "Do not also transpose and
transcribe series numbering if it must be recorded as a grammatically
inseparable part of the series title." ? </blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I think 6G1.1 is fine as is, but add a period
after the number.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font size=2>- 6G3.1.
Remove boldface: "If there are parallel series titles (see 6C) and
the series numbering also appears in more than one language or script,
transcribe each number after the series title to which it relates
(following any other title information or any statement of responsibility
associated with the title)."</font><font face="arial" size=2>
<font color="#008000">RSB: Check.<br><br>
</font><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2>Finally, a question: I wonder if App. F should
include some mention of series tracing? Not my section but I'd be happy
to try to draft something to pull Area 6 into App. F if it seems
appropriate at this late date. </font></blockquote><br>
<font color="#008000">RSB: I think this might be a good idea, if it is
possible to add it. It would be especially useful for items that fall
under 6A2.6. I've actually been working on some items recently that are
part of a series but were issued without the series statement. The note
is fine, but without the series tracing, they are still very difficult to
find in the catalog. <br><br>
<font face="arial" size=2>__________________________<br>
Randal Brandt<br>
Principal Cataloger<br>
The Bancroft Library<br>
(510) 643-2275<br>
<a href="http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/" eudora="autourl">