In the Final Report
<a href="http://www.ifla.org/VII/s13/frbr/frbr.pdf#search=%22frbr%22" eudora="autourl">
3.1.1 - Group 1 Entities ... (12)<br>
next to last sentence: The entities defined as <i>manifestation</i> (the
physical embodiment of an <i>expression</i> of a <i>work</i>)...<br><br>
which echoes Ryan's suggested wording.<br><br>
On page 22, final paragraph: <br><br>
Defining <i>manifestation</i> as an entity also enables us to draw
relationships between specific <i>manifestations</i> of a <i>work</i>.
I don't think as it is written in DCRM (B) that it is wrong - I do think
we can talk about manifestations of a work or of an expression. But I
also agree that the proposed change in wording is fine. How's that for
sitting on the fence? Annie <br><br>
At 01:42 PM 9/8/2006, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">The Introduction speaks of
users' ability to "distinguish clearly among different
manifestations of an expression or work" (see Intro 3.1.1. and
following paragraph, and 3.2.2.). I'm not exactly sure what we are trying
to say here, or how we mean this to be interpreted. In common parlance we
often speak of a manifestation of a work with the expression implied, but
is it not physically impossible to have manifestation of a work, without
the expression, as the sentence suggests? What would be the difference
between a manifestation of an expression vs. the manifestation of a work?
Should the phrase be changed to "Users are able to distinguish
clearly among different manifestations of an expression <i>of a</i>
Apologies if this has already been discussed.<br><br>
On 9/5/2006 6:53 PM, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Dear Colleagues,<br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">I have just posted the latest
version of DCRM(B) on the DCRM(B)</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">revision page.</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Also posted are</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">a</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">(very informal!)</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">list</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">of</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">the</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">changes</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">since the last version,</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">our editorial checklist,
and</font> <font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">instructions for
<a href="http://www.folger.edu/bsc/dcrb/dcrmtext.html">
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" color="#0000FF"><u>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Speaking of whom, if,
after</font> <font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">returning from your
summer holidays, you have only just seen</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">my</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">request for proofreaders for
DCRM(B), please know that it is not too late to sign on!</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">We can use as many pairs of eyes
as are volunteered.</font> <br><br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Specific</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">proofreading assignments
forthcoming (but not tonight).<br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Best,<br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica">Deborah<br>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" size=1><a></a>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" size=1>Deborah J. Leslie, M.A.,
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee<br>
<a href="http://www.folger.edu/bsc/index.html">
Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library<br>
201 East Capitol St., S.E.,</font>
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" size=1>Washington, D.C.
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" size=1>
<a href="mailto:djleslie@folger.edu">djleslie@folger.edu</a> ||
202.675-0369 ||</font>
<a href="http://www.folger.edu/" eudora="autourl">
<font face="Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica" size=1>http://www.folger.edu</a>
</font> </blockquote><br><br>
Ryan Hildebrand, Special Collections and Archives Cataloger
UCI Libraries, P.O. Box 19557
University of California, Irvine, CA 92623-9557
Telephone: (949) 824-2263 | Fax: (949)
824-2472</pre><font face="Courier New, Courier"></font></blockquote>