Congratulations, Jane, Juliet, Annie, Steve, and Randy! You are an
inspiration to the rest of us who are toiling in the DCRM
At 03:11 PM 12/4/2008, you wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">Cross-posted to various lists.
Pardon the duplication.<br>
<i>Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials)</i>, aka DCRM(S),
has been published! It is now available for purchase from the Library of
Congress Cataloging Distribution Service:<br>
<a href="http://www.loc.gov/cds/catman.html#dcrms">
DCRM(S) "provides instructions for cataloging printed serials whose
rarity, value, or interest make more detailed description necessary or
desirable ... [and] is one of a family of manuals that form Descriptive
Cataloging of Rare Materials ... "<br><br>
The price is $70 (North America)/$80 (outside North America). To place an
order, please see "How to Order":
<a href="http://www.loc.gov/cds/contact.html">
http://www.loc.gov/cds/contact.html</a> (on the CDS website).<br><br>
Special congratulations are in order for the DCRM(S) editorial team: Jane
Gillis, Juliet McLaren, Annie Copeland, Stephen Skuce, and yours truly.
Additional congratulations and thanks (for their invaluable assistance
and contributions) to: John Attig, Deborah J. Leslie, Joe A. Springer,
and Manon Théroux.<br><br>
Randal Brandt<br>
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee<br><br>
Randal Brandt
Principal Cataloger
The Bancroft Library
(510) 643-2275
<a href="mailto:rbrandt@library.berkeley.edu">
<a href="http://bancroft.berkeley.edu" eudora="autourl">
"It's hard enough to remember my opinions without
remembering my reasons for them"--The Streets.
</pre><font face="Courier New, Courier"></blockquote>
Margaret Nichols<br>
Head, Special Materials Unit<br>
Library Technical Services<br>
110 Olin Library<br>
Cornell University<br>
Ithaca, NY. 14853-5301 <br>
mnr1@cornell.edu * Tel. (607) 255-5752 / 255-3530
* Fax (607) 255-9524 <br><br>