<div dir="ltr">I'm really sorry I wasn't able to be at Midwinter this year. Can someone fill the rest of us in on the manuscript serials discussion Deborah alluded to? I don't suppose anyone recorded the meeting? <div><br></div><div>The Folger has at least 3,954 manuscript newsletters, all scanned and described at the item level in an EAD finding aid for the "Newdigate family collection of newsletters at: <a href="https://findingaids.folger.edu/dfonewdigate.xml">https://findingaids.folger.edu/dfonewdigate.xml</a></div><div><br></div><div><a class="inbox-inbox-inbox-inbox-anchor" style="color:rgb(0,0,0);outline:transparent solid 1px;font-family:arial,helvetica;font-size:13.3333px"><div class="inbox-inbox-inbox-inbox-contents" style="width:500px;font-size:10pt;margin-left:10px;padding:10px 0px"><p style="margin:0px">Under the auspices of Sir Joseph Williamson (1633-1701), Secretary of State and Keeper of the State Papers, and his Chief Clerk Henry Ball, a small group of scribes produced approximately two hundred newsletters per week which were dispatched on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Newsletters issued by the Secretary of State's office were principally delivered to government agents, but were also made available to an exclusive list of subscribers to which the Newdigates seem to have belonged.</p></div></a></div><div><br></div><div>There's a researcher this month going through all of them in the original, so we're realllllly glad that it's possible to create Aeon requests by bulk upload from a spreadsheet now.</div><div><br></div><div>Erin.</div><div><br></div><div><p class="MsoNormal"><a><font size="1">________</font></a></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><font size="1"><br>
Erin C. Blake, Ph.D. | Head of Collection Information
Services | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 E. Capitol
St. SE, Washington, DC, 20003 | <a href="mailto:eblake@folger.edu" target="_blank"><span style="color:blue">eblake@folger.edu</span></a> | office tel. +1
202-675-0323 </font> </p></div></div>