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Hi folks,</div>
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The Bibliographical Society of America is looking to revamp its repository for bibliographical datasets and expand it to include pedagogical materials. Naturally, this will involve some metadata wrangling.
<span style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);display:inline !important">You don't need to be a member of the BSA to volunteer.</span></div>
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Perhaps some folks on this list will be interested or can pass the word along to someone they think might be?</div>
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A brief description below, and more details can be found in the links.</div>
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<div>Announcing the BibSite Editorial Group</div>
<div>As <a href="https://bibsocamer.org/news/describing-the-material-text-a-new-program-funded-by-the-gladys-krieble-delmas-foundation/" title="https://bibsocamer.org/news/describing-the-material-text-a-new-program-funded-by-the-gladys-krieble-delmas-foundation/">
announced in July of 2020</a>, BibSite is undergoing a redesign as an open-source repository not just for bibliographical datasets, but also for pedagogical resources like syllabi, worksheets, and other materials for instructors and researchers. The new BibSite
will be a dynamic and searchable hub for the teaching and study of bibliography. The project is funded by the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.</div>
<div>We seek a General Editor and Editors to build and sustain BibSite. Once assembled, the BibSite Editorial Group will meet monthly from June through September to:</div>
<li>Draft a charge (to be approved by Council)</li><li>Refine the editorial policy and finalize website copy</li><li>Collaborate with BSA Executive Director Erin McGuirl and BibSite Project Manager Scott Ellwood to launch the site in late summer or early fall 2021</li></ul>
<div>Members of the BibSite Editorial Group will receive free membership to the BSA during their tenure. Editors will be appointed for three-year terms from nominations received based on merit, with combined skills and backgrounds chosen to provide broad coverage
of topics and areas of bibliographical study that align with the goals set by the
<a href="https://bibsocamer.org/about-us/the-society/equity-action-plan/" title="https://bibsocamer.org/about-us/the-society/equity-action-plan/">
BSA Equity Action Plan</a>. Nominees should be able demonstrate engagement with bibliographical teaching and research.</div>
<div>Please <a href="https://bibsocamer.org/news/call-bibsite-editorial-group/" title="https://bibsocamer.org/news/call-bibsite-editorial-group/">
visit our website</a> for more information about this volunteer commitment, and to nominate yourself. Questions? Email BSA Executive Director Erin McGuirl (erin.mcguirl@bibsocamer.org).</div>
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<div><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt; font-family: "TW Cen MT", "Century Gothic", sans-serif;">Jose C. Guerrero / Librarian / </span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt; font-family: "TW Cen MT", "Century Gothic", sans-serif;">California
State Library / </span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt; font-family: "TW Cen MT", "Century Gothic", sans-serif;">Sutro Library Branch</span><br>
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<span style="font-family:"TW Cen MT","Century Gothic",sans-serif">1630 Holloway Avenue / 5th Floor / </span><span style="font-family:"TW Cen MT","Century Gothic",sans-serif">San Francisco, CA 94132 / </span><span style="font-family:"TW Cen MT","Century Gothic",sans-serif">415.469.6136</span></div>