dcrb-l general information, archive

Robert Maxwell robert_maxwell at byu.edu
Thu Jan 7 14:34:55 MST 1999

Hello, dcrb-l folks! 

ALA is just around the corner and I am wondering how we are doing on our
various dcrb revision assignments. Jerry wondered about the lack of traffic
on dcrb-l and I have been a bit concerned, too, but possibly we could get a
bit going before ALA. I will be querying some of you individually about
specific assignments, but meanwhile, feel free to start a conversation on
the list about what you are doing (please!). In respect to this, I will be
forwarding a message I received a few days ago from Sandra Sider detailing
what she has done on her assignment of looking at the glossary. Please have
a look at this and then comment to the list. 

The list has now been archived and you can get to the list archives at:


You can search by keyword or (at the very bottom of the page) you can look
at the entire correspondence of the list month by month. Since there was
some traffic on the list before the archiving began, I am going to resend
that to the list so it will get in the archive (and possibly to stimulate
further conversation.

In order to keep the threads straight, please begin the subject line with
the topic number (as in "Topic 7:" followed by a subject. (For discussion
not on one of the topics, of course, don't do this:-) To remind you what
the topics were, here is the list again with the persons in charge of each

	1. USMARC on DCRB - Russell;
	2. Core - Creider, with involvement from Jain Fletcher; this group will
examine minimal level and whether core should replace minimal level or be
an addition;
	3. 19th century/post handpress - Schroeder, with Manon Theroux; 
	4. Transcription - Robinson
	5. Other:
	  a. Serials - Gillis and McLaren
	  b. Music - Jain Fletcher
	  c. Maps and cartographic materials - Sider
	  d. Other?
	6. Glossary - Sider; special attention to definition of title page;
	7. Principles - Maxwell; comparison of DCRB with British rare book rules;
ISBDA, ISBDR; comparison of DCRB and AACR2;
	8. Examples - Hayes; how to incorporate them 
	9. Revisions in the future - McLaren
	10. Single sheet publications - "

I hope we can make this list a productive tool. Its main purpose is to
allow us to hash out details of the revision away from ALA so we don't have
to schedule extra meeting time for BSC beyond what we already have for
discussion. There will be, of course, time scheduled at BSC for discussion,
but I do want to do as much as possible here.

Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
6428 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-5568
robert_maxwell at byu.edu

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