Inauguration of the list (repost)
Robert Maxwell
robert_maxwell at
Thu Jan 7 15:44:35 MST 1999
>Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:18:28 -0700
>From: Elizabeth Robinson <erobinson at>
>Subject: RE: Inauguration of the list
>Sender: owner-dcrb-l at
>To: "'dcrb-l at'" <dcrb-l at>
>Reply-to: dcrb-l at
>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id
> OAA31486
>X-Authentication-warning: majordom set sender to
> owner-dcrb-l at using -f
>When you ask for others who may want to work on the issues with us, do you
want us to limit ourselves to other RBMS members or do you want to cast a
wider net? Thanks.
>From: Robert Maxwell[SMTP:robert_maxwell at]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 1998 11:48 AM
>To: dcrb-l at
>Subject: Inauguration of the list
>Dear DCRB Revision Committee members:
>The revision listserv is now ready to go. To communicate with the list,
>please use the address dcrb-l at The current list members are as
>Richard_Noble at (Richard Noble )
>btabb at (Bruce Tabb )
>edwin.schroeder at ("E. C. Schroeder" )
>erobinson at (Elizabeth Robinson )
>gwag at (Gerald R. Wager )
>jane.gillis at (Jane Gillis )
>jfletchr at (Jain Fletcher )
>juliet at (Juliet McLaren )
>lcreider at (Laurence S. Creider )
>manon.theroux at
>melindah at (Melinda Hayes )
>photoquilt at (Sandra Sider )
>prussell at ("Patrick J. Russell)
>robert_maxwell at (Robert L. Maxwell )
>I have set up the list so that I will add and remove people, so you don't
>need to worry about commands sent to the majordomo, but in case you need
>it, the address of the server is:
>majordomo at
>I have tried to set up the parameters of the listserv so that replies will
>go to the list and not to the individual that sent the message, since we
>want all to "hear" the entire conversation. In my inexperience as a list
>"owner" I am not sure this was set up properly (I won't know until this
>message goes out!), so if it didn't, when you reply, please be sure the
>address in the reply line is the listserv address and not that of the sender.
>At our last meeting we divided up the work of revision into several
>sections, with one or two people in charge of each. That list was as
>follows (to quote for Jane Gillis's minutes, which we just received):
>"Work on DCRB was divided up as follows:
> 1. USMARC on DCRB - Russell;
> 2. Core - Creider, with involvement from Jain Fletcher; this group will
>examine minimal level and whether core should replace minimal level or be
>an addition;
> 3. 19th century/post handpress - Schroeder, with Manon Theroux;
> 4. Transcription - Robinson
> 5. Other:
> a. Serials - Gillis and McLaren
> b. Music - Jain Fletcher
> c. Maps and cartographic materials - Sider
> d. Other?
> 6. Glossary - Sider; special attention to definition of title page;
> 7. Principles - Maxwell; comparison of DCRB with British rare book rules;
>ISBDA, ISBDR; comparison of DCRB and AACR2;
> 8. Examples - Hayes; how to incorporate them
> 9. Revisions in the future - McLaren
> 10. Single sheet publications - "
>For the next meeting, in late January, we each need to have a preliminary
>report ready on our particular area. The way I see us preparing these
>reports is by participating on the listserv, asking questions and opinions
>of each other. In other words, the person named for each section is only
>the "point person"--he/she is not expected to do all the work in that
>particular area! We will do the work together on the list. I hope that this
>will make it possible to hold our regular meetings at ALA without expanding
>the time--we will have already done most of the discussion here.
>This brings up another consideration. We need to expand this list somewhat.
>I would be interested in adding persons to the list who would contribute to
>the discussion and work (in other words, not necessarily people that just
>want to listen in). If you have suggestions, please let me know.
>I will be sending out more information, but I think that is enough for
>now--let's get started!
>Robert L. Maxwell
>Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
>6428 Harold B. Lee Library
>Brigham Young University
>Provo, UT 84602
>(801) 378-5568
>robert_maxwell at
Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
6428 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-5568
robert_maxwell at
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