List (with corrections)

Elizabeth Robinson erobinson at
Tue Jan 19 11:54:03 MST 1999


Betty is retired. Her current email address is byherman at Laura's email is lstalker at 


From: 	Jane Gillis[SMTP:jane.gillis at]
Sent: 	Tuesday, January 19, 1999 7:15 AM
To: 	Bruce Tabb; Elizabeth Robinson; Gerald R. Wager; Jane Gillis; Juliet McLaren; Laurence S. Creider; Melinda Hayes; Richard Noble; Robert L. Maxwell; Sandra Sider; E.C. Schroeder; Patrick J. Russell; Barbara Tillett; Brian Hillyard; Daniel Starr; Deborah J. Leslie; Elizabeth Herman; Ellen Caplan; Grolier Club of New York; Hope Mayo; Jain Fletcher; John Attig; Laura Stalker; Roberta Engleman; Henry Raine
Subject: 	List (with corrections)

Here is the updated list.  

Messages to Betty Herman and Laura Stalker were returned.  Betty is
retired, I think.  I will remove her from the list.  Does anyone know
Laura's email?  I still need Patrick Russell's information.  

Hopefully, this will be the last time you get this.  I will bring a
printed copy to ALA.


<bold>	</bold>	Chair: Robert L. Maxwell, 

Special Collections/Ancient Languages Cataloger, 

6428 Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University 

Provo, UT 84602  (801/378-5568).  

Home: 1616 N. Oak Lane, Provo, UT 84604 (801/373-1634). 

Email: robert_maxwell at  

FAX: 801/378-3221 (notify by email if sending fax).  

[96/98; Chair 97/99]

Laurence S. Creider 

Head, Original Cataloging Department,

Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, 

3420 Walnut Street 

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206  (215/898-0315).  

Home: 312 Barker Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050 (610/623-5553).  

Email: lcreider at  

FAX: 215/573-9610. 


Jane Gillis, 

Cataloger, Rare Book Team, Yale University Library, 

Sterling Memorial Library, P.O. Box 208240, 

New Haven, CT 06520-8240 (203/432-8383). 

Home: 79 Cottage Street, New Haven, CT 10611 (203/865-8439).  

Email: jane.gillis at  

FAX: 203/432-7231.  

[96/98; 98/00]

Melinda Hayes, 

Librarian, Special Collections, 

Information Services Division

Doheny Memorial Library

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182 


Home:  4018 Camero Avenue, Apt. 6, Los Angeles, CA 90027 (323/660-7002).  

Email:  melindah at  

FAX:  213/740-2343  

[95/97; 97/99]

Juliet McLaren, 

Project Bibliographer, Early Serials/ESTC, 

CBSR - Rivera Library, University of California, 

Riverside, CA 92521-0154  (909/787-5841).  

Home: 800 El Cerrito Drive, #10, Riverside, CA 92507 


Email: juliet at  

FAX: 909/787-4120  

[96/98; 98/00]

Richard Noble, 

Rare Books Cataloger, John Hay Library, Brown University 

Box A, Providence, RI 02912 (401/863-1187).  

Home: 14 Whiting Street, Providence, RI 02906 (401/831-6126).  

Email: Richard_Noble at  

FAX: 401/863-2093.  


Elizabeth A. Robinson, 

Principal Rare Book Cataloger, Huntington Library, 

1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108 (626/405-2188).  

Home: 337 N. Isabel St. #3, Glendale, CA 91206-3656 (818/549-0355).  

Email: erobinson at  

FAX: 626/449-5720

[Intern 97/98; 98/00]


Patrick Russell

Email: prussell at

E. C. Schroeder

Assistant Head, Technical Services, Beinecke Library

P.O. Box 248240, New Haven CT 06520-8240

Home: 25 Maplewood Drive, Clinton CT    

Email: edwin.schroeder at

FAX: 203/4324047


Sandra Sider, 


Home: 3811 Orloff Ave., Bronx, NY 10463 (718-548-1027).  

(studio) 718-390-7473

Email: sandra.sider at  

FAX: 718-543-9153  

[Intern 97/98; member 99/00]]

Bruce Tabb, 

Rare Books and General Collections Catalog librarian/Germanic

Languages Bibliographer, Knight Library, 1299 University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 

97403-1299 (541/346-1846).  

Home: 1770 Augusta St., Eugene, OR 97403


Email: btabb at  

[Intern 94/96; Member 96/98]


Jerry Wager, 

Rare Book Cataloging Team Leader, Special Materials Cataloging Division, 

Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, DC 

20540-4376 (202/707-2024).  

Home: 518 Archibald Walk, SE, Washington, DC  20003 (202/544-8035).  

Email: gwag at  

FAX: 202/707-2453.  

[96/98; 98/00]



John Attig, 

Cataloging Dept., E506 Pattee, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 

University Park, PA 16802  (814/865-1755).  

Email: jca at  

FAX:  814/863-7293.

Ellen R. Caplan, 

Consulting Database Specialist, OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Rd., 

Dublin, OH 43017-3395 (800/848-5878).  

Home: 4949 Dublin Fls., Columbus, OH 43221-5278.  

Email: caplane at  or  ellen_caplan at  

FAX: 614-718-7178.

Roberta Engleman, 

Rare Book Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina, 

Chapel Hill, NC 27514.  

Email: rae at

Jain Fletcher, 

Head, Monographic Cataloging Section, 

University Research Library - UCLA,  Young Research Library 

Box 951575, Los Angeles, California    90095-1575  

(310) 825-1337

Home: 810 N. Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026-2926 (213/484-9984).

Email:  jfletchr at

FAX:  (310) 206-4974

Elizabeth Herman, 

The Getty Research Institute, Cataloging Section, 

1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100, 

Los Angeles, CA  90049-1688  (310/440 7603).  

Home: 310/472-3626.  

Email: bherman at  

FAX:  310/471-0706.

Dr Brian Hillyard

Head, Rare Books Division

National Library of Scotland

George IV Bridge, EDINBURGH EH1 1EW  (0131 226 4531)

Email: b.hillyard at *** Tel: 0131 226 4531 *** 

FAX: 0131 466 2408

Eric Holzenberg, 

Librarian, The Grolier Club, 47 East 60th St., New York, NY 

10022 (212/838-6690).  

Home:  922 8th Ave., Apt. 2A, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (718/965-8520).  

Email: grolier at  

FAX:  212/838-2445.

Deborah J. Leslie

Head of Cataloging

Folger Shakespeare Library

201 East Capitol Street, S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20003  (202) 675-0369

Home: 3515 Washington Blvd. #514

Arlington, VA 22201 

(703) 465-1321

Email: djleslie at

FAX: (202) 675-0328

Hope Mayo.  

Home: 114 Morningside Drive, New York, NY (212/865-9551). 

Email: hopemayo at

Henry F. Raine, 

Project Director, Cataloging and Archival Description

NYU/N-YHS Mellon Project, New-York Historical Society Library

170 Central Park West,  New York, NY 10024-5194  (212) 595-3036   

Email: hr14 at

Fax: (212) 875-1591

Laura Stalker, 

Associate Director for Technical Services, Huntington Library, 

1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA 91108 (626/405-2185).  

Home:  3032 Locust St.  Riverside, CA 92501 (909/784-0174).  

Email: stalker at  

FAX:  626/449-5720.

Daniel Starr

Chief Librarian, Technical Services and Planning

Museum of Modern Art Library

11 W. 53 Street

New York, NY  10019 (212-708-9440)

Email: daniel_starr at

FAX: 212-333-1122

Barbara Tillett, 

Director, ILS Program, Library of Congress, 

101 Independence Ave., SE, Washington, D.C. 20540-4010

phone: (202) 707-4714

Email: email: btil at

fax: (202) 707-4719



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