0A (DCRB-AACR2 analysis)
Patrick Russell
prussell at library.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 7 15:26:05 MDT 1999
Hi all:
Yes; Revise the language concerning "time" -- i.e., can apply to later
Scope: Changing "books" to "materials" is o.k.; howeer, we already have an
"independent draft" for serials, and similar units have been proposed for
maps and music. There is a limit to "inclusivity" of text as it stands. I
think we need to move a bit farther in discusssions of how "other" material
will appear in DCRB, and/or related txts, trhen revisit wording of 0A.
Yes; Remove last paragraph.
At 03:05 PM 6/3/99 -0600, Robert Maxwell wrote:
>Revise the language of 0A to encourage rather than discourage the use of
>DCRB for later materials; revise also to include within the scope of DCRM
>other materials than monographs. This could mainly be accomplished by
>changing "books" to "materials." A paragraph should probably be added
>making this explicit, however, mentioning serials, music, etc.
>Remove the last paragraph.
>Robert L. Maxwell
>Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
>6428 Harold B. Lee Library
>Brigham Young University
>Provo, UT 84602
>(801) 378-5568
>robert_maxwell at byu.edu
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