0G (DCRB-AACR2 analysis)

Patrick Russell prussell at library.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 7 18:57:58 MDT 1999

Hi All:

Bob's outlined proposals are fine.


At 03:18 PM 6/3/99 -0600, Robert Maxwell wrote:
>Replace 1st DCRB paragraph with exact wording of 1st AACR2 paragraph.
>Retain the examples.
>Retain third paragraph. Add the sentence: "Such a spelling is not
>considered 'a misspelled word' for purposes of this rule."
>Retain fourth paragraph and its examples.
>Robert L. Maxwell
>Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
>6428 Harold B. Lee Library
>Brigham Young University
>Provo, UT 84602
>(801) 378-5568
>robert_maxwell at byu.edu

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