DCRB revision page
Elizabeth Robinson
erobinson at huntington.org
Tue Jun 15 17:17:43 MDT 1999
Bob, the DCRB revision page looks groovy to me. As an aside, can we rename the heirs of/widows of page to something more descriptive (Headings for heirs, widows, etc.? versus BSCRIs). Or do you anticipate other BSCRI topics and want to keep them altogether?
From: Robert Maxwell[SMTP:robert_maxwell at byu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:39 PM
To: dcrb-l at lib.byu.edu
Subject: DCRB revision page
I have cobbled together a home page for the DCRB revision group, at
It is probably in need of revision, but at least there is something there
now. Please send suggestions for better wording or arrangement, or for
things I might have left out. I have not yet made a link from the BSC home
page to this, but I intend to do so after Annual.
I want to link all the sections either to summaries or work in progress. I
have done this with the five areas I already have stuff for: DCRB and MARC;
the transcription rule; the glossary; the principles; the comparison of
The principles section comes from our last meeting, where we voted in
agreement with these principles. The other four parts I would like to
discuss more in detail at Annual. I would like, after Annual, to have a
section of the DCRB page be a "what we have decided so far" section rather
than just discussion or summary. For example, depending on what we decide
about the section 0 proposals, I would like to mount the old and the
proposed new DCRB text in parallel columns. Same for the glossary.
For the other parts that thusfar do not have links, could those of you in
charge of these sections come to Annual prepared to briefly summarize what
you have been working on (including a summary of discussion to date) and
either give me (electronic) text to add at the relevant points, or
(preferably) mount a page with your summary/work at your own institution
that I could link to from the DCRB page?
Robert L. Maxwell
Special Collections and Ancient Languages Cataloger
6428 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
(801) 378-5568
robert_maxwell at byu.edu
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