Patrick Russell prussell at
Fri Oct 29 16:45:03 MDT 1999

Hi Helena:

As I no longer have Sarah Rouse's E-mail, I'm posting this to you.

The Thesaurus group of the Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare
Books and Manuscripts Section of ACRL is considering additions and changes
of terms in the thesauri it publishes.

The term "Volvelles" has come up for extensive discussion, and is widely
needed in rare books collections.  We have considered putting the term in
"Genre terms" and "Printing and publishing evidence," but neither has
seemed wholly appropriate to some members of the Committee given the scope
of these thesauri as presently defined.

Would the LC Prints and Photographs Division consider adding "Volvelles" to
the terms presently in: Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre and
Physical Characteristics Terms? 

GMGPC already has a number of terms relative to book illustration.
"Volvelles" could be added as an NT to "Mechanical works."

PN Composite diagrams with movable parts. These parts are circles, or
segments of circles, 	bearing printed information, superimposed upon each
other, and rotated on a central axis.
BT Mechanical works

cf. Glaister, G.A. Glaister's Glossary of the Book (2nd ed., 1979) p. 503;
GMGPC p. 530 (Mechanical works) and p. 531 (Metamorphic pictures)

The above PN etc. is my own, for purposes of providing a possible text and
place in the thesaurus.


Patrick Russell
Bancroft Library Technical Services

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