DCRM(S) Area 0

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at folger.edu
Tue Mar 19 13:06:06 MST 2002

Jane, be sure to give a deadline. And have you made sure the close readers are all on the DCRB-L list? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Gillis [mailto:jane.gillis at yale.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:39 AM
To: dcrb-l at lib.byu.edu
Subject: DCRM(S) Area 0

To all those on the DCRB Revision List,

Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials) (DCRM(S)), the rules for 
cataloging rare serials, is now ready for your review. We are starting off 
this week with Area 0. We welcome all comments.


The rules regarding Roman numerals and transcription of I/J and U/V/W will 
follow what is decided for all of DCRM. That discussion will occur 
separately and should not be part of the DCRM(S) discussion.

There will also be a CONSER module on cataloging rare serials. That will be 
the place where we explain how to apply these rules.  Comments will help us 
determine what needs to go into the CONSER Module.

Jane and Juliet

Juliet McLaren
Project Head, Early Serials
English Short-Title Catalogue
Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research
University of California - Riverside
e-mail: juliet at citrus.ucr.edu FAX: (909) 787-4120 Tel: (909) 787-5841

Jane Gillis | Rare Book Cataloger|  Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University | New Haven CT  06520
(203)432-8383 (voice) | (203)432-7231 (fax) | jane.gillis at yale.edu

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