[DCRB-L] DCRM Area 2

Hillyard, Brian b.hillyard at nls.uk
Thu Oct 23 03:13:31 MDT 2003

Dear All

The present proposed text of 2B1 is, I believe:

Transcribe the statement relating to an edition of a publication in the
terms in which it appears.  Give the exact wording if the edition statement
is taken from a prescribed source for area 2. If it is taken from a source
other than a prescribed source for area 2, standard abbreviations and arabic
numerals may be given in place of words.  Include explanatory words or
phrases appearing with the edition statement.

I hadn't looked at this for months and months, and when very recently I was
glancing at some draft in-house documentation, I put big question marks
round "in the terms in which it appears" and asked what on earth that meant,
only to be referred by colleagues to DCRB!  Following the term "transcribe",
I really don't know what it means.  What would be the argument for retaining
this phrase?  If it is to be retained, its significance needs to be much


Dr Brian Hillyard
Rare Book Collections Manager, National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EW
b.hillyard at nls.uk: 0131-226 4531 (voice): 0131-466 2807 (fax)

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