[DCRB-L] Main entry for collectors

Sarah Schmidt Fisher slsf at UDel.Edu
Thu Jan 22 07:34:01 MST 2004

According to the CSB, the rule comes from APPM. A quick look at APPM shows 2.1A4 
Artificial collections, the relevant sentence being: "A collection of archival 
material that has been artificially accumulated around a person, subject...is entered 
under the heading for the person chiefly responsible for the creation of the 
collection as such." (p. 40) I think this is why it was included in the appendix, 
section a, second paragraph, however, I personally agree with deleting the section or 
moving it to section j, 7xx field with the appropriate rewording. Perhaps someone who 
catalogs more archival collections can make the argument for main entry?
My two cents,
Sarah Fisher
slsf at udel.edu

Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
> Main entry for collection-level cataloging
> Once again, I apologize for forgetting to discuss the proposed DCRM(B) 
> appendix on collection-level cataloging. The editors (John Attig, Bob 
> Maxwell, Joe Springer, Manon Théroux, and me) did discuss it during our 
> day and a half meeting after the conference in San Diego. The issue of 
> collector main entry is one we would like to address sooner rather than 
> later.
> I don't have the CSB on collection-level records in front of me, but 
> whether or not I'm right in assuming that the instruction for giving the 
> collector the main entry came from there, the editors need to be 
> persuaded that this is appropriate for the cataloging of printed 
> materials. Section D on "Elements of the catalog record", a) on 1XX 
> field: Main entry heading starts out well by emphasizing that title main 
> entry is appropriate for many collections, and for requiring that all 
> items comprised by the collection record have the same personal or 
> corporate authorship. This is in compliance with AACR2.
> We question the 2nd paragraph of section a) instructing that if a 
> collection is known by the name of a collector, generally enter that 
> name in a 1xx field. The editors are considering deleting that 
> provision. Naturally in such a case, the collector may be entered in a 
> 7xx field. Those of you with persuasive and/or passionate opinions 
> please give us your best shot. To DCRB-L please, so everyone can 
> participate in the discussion.
> ________________________
> Deborah J. Leslie
> Folger Library
> djleslie at folger.edu

Sarah S. Fisher
Senior Assistant Librarian
Bibliographic Control Dept.
University of Delaware Library
Newark, DE 19717-5267
(302)831-1046 (fax)
slsf at udel.edu

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