[DCRM-L] Simplification of AACR2 ch. 21
Noble, Richard
Richard_Noble at brown.edu
Fri Jul 8 09:23:25 MDT 2005
>From AACR2:
Do not accept the designation auctor on the <http://desktop.loc.gov/NXT/gateway.dll?f=xhitlist$xhitlist_x=Advanced$xhitlist_vpc=first$xhitlist_xsl=querylink.xsl$xhitlist_sel=title;path;content-type;home-title$xhitlist_d={Aacr2}$xhitlist_q=[field folio-destination-name:'Title%20page%2Fglossary']$xhitlist_md=target-id=0-0-0-1719> title page as proof of <http://desktop.loc.gov/NXT/gateway.dll?f=xhitlist$xhitlist_x=Advanced$xhitlist_vpc=first$xhitlist_xsl=querylink.xsl$xhitlist_sel=title;path;content-type;home-title$xhitlist_d={Aacr2}$xhitlist_q=[field folio-destination-name:'Author%2Fglossary']$xhitlist_md=target-id=0-0-0-1665> authorship without further evidence. For works dealing with this problem, see the following:
Eichler, Ferdinand. "Die Autorschaft der akademischen Disputationen," Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, Heft 10 (1896), pp. 24-37; Heft 11 (1898), pp. 1-40.
Horn, Ewald. "Die Disputationen und Promotionen an den deutschen Universitäten, vornehmlich seit dem 16. Jahrhundert," Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft XI (1893).
Kaufmann, Georg. "Zur Geschichte der academischen Grade und Disputationen," ibid., XI. Jahrg. (Mai 1894), pp. [201]-225.
Wheatley, B.R. "On the Question of Authorship in Academical Dissertations," pp. 105-121 in Wheatley, H.B. How to Catalogue a Library. -- (London : Stock, 1889).
I haven't previously consulted Eichler, Horn, or Kaufmann, but the chapter in Wheatley is at least well written (it's rather a good book altogether, for its time)--though perhaps Bob Maxwell has cast some doubt on the firmness of his conclusion in favor of the auctor/respondent. Anyway, all of these must be safely in the public domain by now, and PDFs might be incorporated into the linking structure of RDA. Otherwise a new article may be in order, unless the question has been effectively addressed more recently.
There may be something (especially consistency with other reference resources) to the current rule's appeal to academic tradition. I frankly fail to see how it's too complicated as it stands--it seems to me as succinct as could be. I wonder if JSC and Co. are (in this case, at least) courting the danger of oversimplification--i.e. ignoring reality-based complexity for the sake of brevity. This may make their job simpler, but it could very well complicate the process of cataloging. Brevity and simplicity are not necessarily synonymous--to paraphrase Ranganathan, "Save the time of the cataloger", especially when it's clear that the exercise of cataloger judgment will not be cost effective at an hourly rate, absent well-informed guidance.
PROVIDENCE, RI 02912 : 401-863-1187/FAX 863-2093 : RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU
-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-admin at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-admin at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Lenore Rouse
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 10:21 AM
To: John Attig
Cc: Rettberg, Dan; 'dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu'; Arvid Nelsen; Bob Hall; Brian Hillyard; Deborah Leslie; Eileen Heeran; Janice Matthiesen; Joe Springer; Larry Creider; Lucy Marks; Manon Theroux; Maria Oldal; Windy Lundy; Mary L. Larsgaard
Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] Simplification of AACR2 ch. 21
As Richard noted, "if proper assignment of an authorial heading matters ... the rule needs to stay." If we are satisfied with simply providing access the general rule would suffice; main entry under first named with added entries for the rest would do. Personally, unless there is compelling reason to diverge from past practice, I would favor retaining the rule if only for the sake of consistency (not to mention the evidence of Bob's investigations). Also, if that footnote "do not accept the designation auctor...without further evidence" could be amplified or explained a bit, instead of merely referring the user to those 19th c. articles that are inaccessible to many users, the rule might be more helpful.
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