[DCRM-L] Area 4 comments

Windy Lundy windy.lundy at colorado.edu
Tue Sep 12 10:43:55 MDT 2006

I have only a few comments in addition to the ones noted below:

P. 77, 4B9.  last sentence re: "and date is fictitious"  This sentence
occurs in two other places in Area 4 (4C5 and 4D2.4).  In both places, the
sentence ends with "and date is fictitious or incorrect, apply 4A4."  For
consistency, should 4B9 also read "and date is fictitious or incorrect"?

P. 79, 4C2, next to last line:  suggest a comma preceding "unless the

P. 80, 4C4.1.  "If only the address, sign, or initials of the publisher
appears":  I stumbled over the number of "appears" because "initials" is
plural.  Fowler says (1998 ed., p. 555 in entry under "or") "When the
subject is a set of alternatives each in the singular ... the verb must be
in the singular ... If alternative members differ in number, the nearest
prevails."  I have not consulted another authority on usage that addresses
this issue.  

P. 85, 4D2.4.  Last sentence in 1st paragraph:  Is there a reason for the
enclosing parentheses?  The sentence occurs also in 4B9 and 4C5 and in
neither case it is in parentheses. 

P. 86-87, 4D2.6.  The editorial comment for the last example occurs on the
next page.  The example and the editorial comments would be better on the
same page and not split.

Hope these are helpful,


M. Winslow Lundy
Assistant Professor
Head of Monographic Cataloging
Cataloging & Metadata Services Department
University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
184 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
phone: 303-492-3918
fax: 303-492-0494
email: windy.lundy at colorado.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On
Behalf Of Sara Piasecki
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 11:38 AM
To: dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu; dchavez at lva.lib.va.us
Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] Area 4 comments

I also noted the problems listed below.

Pg. 75   4B4.  Change "AACR2" to "AACR 2"


Sara Piasecki
History of Medicine Librarian
OHSU Historical Collections & Archives
OHSU Library
Mailcode: LIB
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd
Portland, OR 97239-3098
(503) 418-2287
(503) 418-0235 (fax)
piasecki at ohsu.edu

>>> dchavez at lva.lib.va.us 9/11/2006 8:21 AM >>>
Pg. 83, 4D1.1.    Delete the space between the first period and the
second 1
Pg. 85, 4D2.5.    Last line -- the 12 referring to the footnote should
be superscripted
Pg. 86, 4D2.5.    First example under the last paragraph -- should this
be 12/13 September 1750?
Pg. 88, 4D5.       Font sizes in the left column are not consistent
Some suggestions about comma placement:
Pg. 69, 4A1.       For consistency with the other paragraphs, I would
put a comma between "colon" and "unless" in the 4th and 8th paragraphs
Pg. 71,               5th line, comma between "importance" and "while?"
footnote 11
Pg. 77, 4B10.2.   2nd line, commas after "Leningrad" and St.
Other than these few things, the section looks good, with much fuller
explanation of the rules.
Deanna Chavez
Special Collections Cataloger
The Library of Virginia
800 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000
(804) 692-3631
dchavez at lva.lib.va.us 

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