[DCRM-L] Appendix B corrections

Ann W. Copeland auc1 at psulias.psu.edu
Thu Sep 14 08:29:29 MDT 2006

A few additional comments on Appendix B:

B1.3. first line Congress' guidelines (make possessive)

B1.4. We say these guidelines are not intended for traditional 
archives and manuscripts and direct catalogers of those materials to 
DACS. Then in B3  we discuss arrangement and description and finding 
aids, send people to Roe's Arranging and Describing Archives and 
Manuscripts for more guidance, and in B3.2 talk about the basic 
tenets of archival practice. Does this seem contradictory to anyone? 
I suggest at B1.4 adding a sentence following the mention of DACS to 
the effect of:

However, many of the activities associated with arranging and 
describing traditional archival or manuscript collections also 
pertain to collections of printed materials and are referenced in 
these guidelines (or something).

B4. I find the first sentence awkward. Could we turn it around? "Use 
AACR2 and the LCRIs....

240 - typo, needs "to": according to AACR2

300 field...Dimensions. Optionally (there is nothing given as an 
instruction to which there should be an option)

5XX redundancy in last two sentences: described below / presented below.

May need to ask original authors about the next three:

580 Linking entry complexity note : it seems to me that we should 
have a corresponding 773 for the Margaret Mead Collection in the 
example. At least in OCLC 580/7XX fields go together.

7XX fields: added entries
Add a sentence: If a 580 Linking complexity note has been used to 
describe the relationship of the collection being cataloged to a 
larger collection, make an added entry
for the larger collection using a 773.

B5.1. .... 245 field: Indicate in subfield $n that the collection ... 
Sentence is a bit problematic. We are not asking catalogers to 
indicate through the $n that there are more records, rather to 
indicate which record it is among others. I would suggest something 
that says to use the $n (number of part/section) to indicate which 
part of the collection the cataloging record addresses (among others 
in a sequence of multiple records).

Thanks, Annie

At 03:14 PM 9/13/2006, James Stephenson wrote:
>A couple of observations for Appendix B:
>B2.1: add bullet point for first category
>500 field, general note: do not italicize the direction
>Jim Stephenson
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