[DCRM-L] Call for volunteers: RBMS Genre terms

nschneider at nypl.org nschneider at nypl.org
Tue Jul 17 08:33:51 MDT 2007


One of the goals of the Bibliographic Standards Committee’s Thesaurus
Subcommittee is to provide scope notes (SN) for all terms found in the
Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book Cataloging. As a first step,
the subcommittee identified fifty-nine terms from the Genre Terms Thesaurus
(rbgenr) that need SNs as soon as possible, either to resolve conflicts
among thesauri, or to fulfill requests from users. We are seeking
volunteers to draft SNs for these terms.

We hope to have enough volunteers so that each person only needs to work on
five terms. If you are interested in volunteering, we ask that you first
become familiar with the proposal form (attached), as well as the ANSI/NISO
standard (http://www.niso.org/standards/resources/Z39-19-2005.pdf).
Both documents will help in the formation of appropriate and succinct

Please respond with your statement of interest no later than July 31st so
that terms can be assigned accordingly.

Thanks very much.


(See attached file: new term proposal form.doc)

Nina Schneider
Thesaurus Editor

Berg Collection of English & American Literature, Room 320
The New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY  10018-2788

Tel.: (212) 642-0111
Fax.: (212) 930-0079
nschneider at nypl.org
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