[DCRM-L] Citing CERL in bib record

William Hale wah26 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Aug 20 02:49:35 MDT 2008

I wouldn't cite the CERL database in this way at all. It isn't a 
bibliography but a conglomeration of records from various sources of 
varying degrees of accuracy. If I had to, I would rather be inclined to 
cite the library from which the record came, informally, in a 500 note. 
Something along the lines of: "By Maria Madeitupovic, according to the 
catalogue of the Molvanian National Library". But this would only be as a 
last resort if I couldn't find the work in an authoritative (and 
readily citable) source.

William Hale.

Rare Books Department,
Cambridge University Library,
West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR.

Telephone: 01223 333122
Email: wah26 at cam.ac.uk

On Tue, 19 Aug 2008, Schneider, Nina wrote:

> Has anyone cited an entry from CERL in their bib record? If so, did you
> do it? I have the record identifier number, but I'm not sure how to cite
> the website.
> I'm tempted to cite it as I would ESTC, that is:
> 510 4 _ CERL $c[record id #]
> Apologies if this has been discussed, I couldn't find it in the DRCM-L
> archive.
> Thanks!!
> +-------
> Nina Schneider
> Head Cataloger
> William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
> 2520 Cimarron Street
> Los Angeles, CA  90018
> 323-731-8529
> nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

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