[DCRM-L] "Double" punctuation query

Laurence Creider lcreider at lib.NMSU.Edu
Thu Dec 3 16:04:17 MST 2009

For those of you who do not make use of the provision in DCRM(B) and its 
predecessors to record the original punctuation of the title page (DCRM(B) 
0G3.1 alternative rule), how do you handle cataloging copy which does 
record the original punctuation?  Do you eliminate all but the prescribed 
punctuation or do you leave the copy as is?

What would you do if the result of eliminating the original punctuation 
might lead to a different construal of the t.p.

This is what is on the Desc a record:

24514 [He Kaine Diatheke ].= ?b Novum Testamentum. Post priores Steph. 
Curcelli, tum & DD. Oxoniensium labores; quibus parallela Scripturae loca 
nec non variantes lectiones ex plus c. mss. codd. & antiquis versionibus 
collectae, exhibentur; accedit tantus locor. parall. numerus, quantum 
nulla adhuc, ac ne vix quidem ipsa profert praestantiss. Editio Milliana; 
variantes praeterea ex ms Vindobonensi; ac tandem crisis perpetua, qua 
singulas variantes earumque valorem aut originem ad XLIII. canones 
examinat G.D.T.M.D. cum ejusdem prolegomenis, & notis in fine adjectis.

250 Editio altera priori auctior atque emendatior.

If I were doing this from scratch and not using copy, I would probably 
insert a / $c before Post.


Laurence S. Creider
Special Collections Librarian
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
Work: 575-646-7227
Fax: 575-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

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