[DCRM-L] BYU's 1st RDA/DCRMB record

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Tue Aug 24 18:12:09 MDT 2010

Thanks, Bob, for this. I have two questions aside from what Erin and
Lenore has raised. 

1. You mentioned that "folio" would have to be spelt out. You use a
"4to" in your record; is that abbreviation allowed in RDA? 

2. Your use of square brackets without supporting note, except obliquely
for the date of publication, is troubling. Is unsupported cataloger
interpolations acceptable? (And, should they be acceptable for us? I
vote no.)

3. The RDA 300 is going to pose nightmarish problems for volumes of even
the least complexity. Would there be a rare book reason to depart from
RDA and continue the use of square brackets for unnumbered pages/leaves?

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