[DCRM-L] LC's update to it future of the bib record report

Dooley,Jackie dooleyj at oclc.org
Wed Jun 30 14:32:14 MDT 2010



Some of you may find interesting this excerpt from a document
distributed by LC at ALA. It's among a bunch of actions they're taking,
or have taken, in response to the "futures" report that was published a
couple years ago (and on which Karen Calhoun had a lot to say at RBMS in
L.A.). Interesting to ponder their seven definitions of value in the
spcoll/archives context.


Best to all, Jackie


Cost/value assessment of bibliographic control


Under the auspices of the ALCTS Technical Services Directors of Large
Research Libraries Interest Group, the Task Force on Cost/Value
Assessment of Bibliographic Control was charged with identifying
measures of the cost, benefit, and value of bibliographic control for
key stakeholder communities, and developing a plan for implementing
these measures. The objective of this work was not to develop a complete
model of costs and value for bibliographic data, but to begin to
identify sound measures that can inform decisions by those engaged in
the creation, exchange, and use of bibliographic data. Our ability to
make sound decisions and mindful changes around bibliographic control is
hindered by our lack of operational definitions of value and
methodologies for assessing value within our institutions. The Task
Force struggled with its charge in the larger cultural context of the
profession's inability to articulate value and, until recently, not
generally being asked to do so in measured ways. Given the lack of
research in this area and our desire to move forward discussions about
quantifying the value of bibliographic control in an environment where
the vocabulary for doing so does not yet exist, the Task Force on
Cost/Value Assessment of Bibliographic Control proposes seven
operational definitions of value and offers suggestions for research in
these areas. The Task Force also recommends that the Heads of Technical
Services in Large Research Libraries Interest Group identify
institutions among themselves or solicit partners from the community who
are eager to act. We outline these proposals for responsibility as well.


The seven operational definitions of value are: 


1. Discovery success 

2. Use 

3. Display understanding 

4. Ability of our data to operate on the open web and interoperate with
vendors/ suppliers in the bibliographic supply chain 

5. Ability to support the FRBR user tasks 

6. Throughput/Timeliness 

7. Ability to support the library's administrative/management goals 

-from the executive summary of the Task Force's Final Report


Jackie Dooley

Consulting Archivist

OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership


949.492.5060 (home/office)

949.295.1529 (mobile)

dooleyj at oclc.org


647 Camino de los Mares, Suite 108-240

San Clemente, CA 92673


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