[DCRM-L] [Fwd: [PCCLIST] Greek romanization]

Randal Brandt rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu
Mon Mar 8 09:25:40 MST 2010

FYI, for those of you not on PCCLIST ...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[PCCLIST] Greek romanization
Date: 	Mon, 8 Mar 2010 09:39:13 -0500
From: 	Policy and Standards Division <policy at loc.gov>
Reply-To: 	Program for Cooperative Cataloging <PCCLIST at loc.gov>

	To keep you in the loop.

Greek Romanization

	In light of the communications the Policy and Standards Division
recently received, it is apparent the 2009 information concerning the
revised tables was not widely seen, the division offers the following
timeline.  Several years ago the Policy and Standards Division (then
called Cataloging Policy and Support Office) felt that it was time to
revise the Greek romanization table to take into account fully the
orthographic reforms that were promulgated in 1982. The office issued a
draft revision in Cataloging Service Bulletin, no. 105 (Summer 2004).
This draft did not meet with general approval and thus was abandoned. In
Cataloging Service Bulletin, no. 124 (Summer 2009), two new draft
revisions (Ancient and Medieval Greek and Modern Greek) were published
with comments requested by Dec. 1 (p. 40). The drafts were also posted
on the division’s Web site with a request for comments by the same
date. Since the division received no comments,  it was decided to post
the tables as completed tables on the division’s Web site
(http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html). During both draft revision
periods, the division had contact with the head of Modern Greek at
Harvard University Library. Although not enthusiastic about changes to
the Greek table, she did understand the Library’s desire to reflect
what appears on resources cataloged.

Romanization tables are normally approved by the American Library
Association’s Committee on Cataloging: African and Asian Materials
(CC:AAM). That committee has indicated it is not interested in tables
dealing with other than languages of Africa and Asia. Since Greek is not
an African or Asian language, the draft tables were not submitted to

	The only change to the previous table (other than the separation
of ancient and medieval Greek from modern Greek) was the full adoption
of  monotonic Greek as promulgated in 1982, thus eliminating the former
practice of romanizing a rough breathing sign whether present or not in
the script. Elimination of this practice meant there would be an impact
on headings. The division envisioned that headings would be revised as
necessary on the first occurrence of cataloging a resource in monotonic
Greek. As is the policy (AACR2, 24.2C and LCRI 24.2C), headings
romanized from languages having undergone orthographic reform are
revised to reflect the new orthography with reference from the form in
the old orthography.

	Because the 2009 draft tables were not widely seen, the Policy
and Standards Division is willing to accept constructive comments on
those tables through Wednesday, March 31, 2010 through the division’s
email account: policy at loc.gov 

Randal Brandt
Principal Cataloger
The Bancroft Library
(510) 643-2275
rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu
"It's hard enough to remember my opinions without 
remembering my reasons for them"--The Streets.

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