[DCRM-L] DPC: Omission of names in statements of responsibility(DCRM 1E5)

Stephen A Skuce skuce at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 25 13:12:14 MST 2011

Hello everyone,

Just a quick announcement that the Bibliographic Standards Committee has voted, and the unanimous decision is to adopt the proposed change to DCRM rule 1E5, and the addition to rule 0F1.2 (see below).

With thanks to Erin Blake for once again leading the charge in our quest to perfect all things DCRM.

1E5. . . . Optionally, if the responsible persons or bodies named in a single statement are considered too numerous to list exhaustively, all after the third may be omitted. Indicate the omission by the mark of omission and supply "et al." in square brackets.

0F1.2. Give interpolations into these areas in the language and script of the other information in the area, except for prescribed interpolations and other cases specified in these rules (e.g., 4B5, 4B6.2, 4C6.2). . . .

1E5. . . . Optionally, if the responsible persons or bodies named in a single statement are considered too numerous to list exhaustively, all after the third may be omitted. Indicate the omission by the mark of omission and supply after it in square brackets a phrase in the language and script of the cataloging agency to convey the extent of the omission.

0F1.2. [add 1E5 to parenthetical examples of exceptions]

Stephen Skuce
Program Manager for Rare Books
Institute Archives and Special Collections

MIT Room 14N-118
77 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge MA 02139-4307

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