[DCRM-L] Herhan Stereotypes

Robert Steele rosteele at law.gwu.edu
Tue Mar 22 07:10:16 MDT 2011

At Burns Law Library, we have a number of early 19th century legal codes
with "Stéréotype d'Herhan" on the t.p. Many of these also half a half-t.p.
with "edition stéréotype faite au moyen de matrices mobiles en cuivre,
procédé Herhan." Many of these list Mame frères as the printer, Garnery as
the bookseller. According to histories of stereotyping, Herhan patented an
innovative stereotyping process, which was then used by Mame. I
guess Herhan's name was displayed on Mame imprints for prestige purposes
(think of "Dolby surround sound" on DVDs).

OK, here's the puzzle: One of our books, printed by Mame, no bookseller
given, is bound in calf, with this stamped in gold at the base of the spine:
"Stéréotype d'Herhan." Has anybody else seen this? Herhan, as far as I know,
did not have a binding business. Is this an example of advertising on an
early printer's or bookseller's binding?

Robert Steele
Cataloging Librarian
Jacob Burns Law Library
George Washington University
716 20th St. NW
Washington DC 20052
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