[DCRM-L] DCRM(B) training in the U.K.

dooleyj dooleyj at oclc.org
Thu Nov 10 17:28:13 MST 2011

It's really great to see that our UK colleagues are teaching a DCRM(B)
workshop! -Jackie

Jackie Dooley
Program Officer, OCLC Research
& Vice-President/President-Elect
Society of American Archivists

dooleyj at oclc.org
949.492.5060 (work/home) -- Pacific Time
949.295.1529 (mobile)

------ Forwarded Message
Reply-To: Mailing list for rare books and Special Collections librarians
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 00:04:52 +0000
Subject: LIS-RAREBOOKS Digest - 8 Nov 2011 to 10 Nov 2011 (#2011-141)

There are 2 messages totaling 352 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Cataloguing training day - CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections
  2. Iconography exhibition - Dunedin Public Library


Date:    Thu, 10 Nov 2011 12:37:05 -0000
From:    "Kirk, Tanya" <Tanya.Kirk at BL.UK>
Subject: Cataloguing training day - CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections

Are you new to cataloguing rare books? The UK Bibliographic Standards
Committee of the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group is holding a
cataloguing training session, using the cataloguing rules Descriptive
Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) (DCRM(B)), on

Friday 9th December 2011, 10.00am - 4.00 p.m.


St John's College, Oxford (St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JP)

The workshop is aimed at those who are considering adopting - or have
recently adopted - DCRM(B) from scratch, as well as new professionals who
would like to learn more about how to catalogue rare books. There will be an
introduction on bibliographic format, and the main focus of the day will be
on describing the content and implementation of DCRM(B), both general and
copy-specific elements. It is intended for those with some experience of
cataloguing, but not necessarily of rare books. A course prerequisite is
some knowledge of AACR2.

The price is £70.00 (including VAT) for CILIP Rare Books and Special
Collections Group members and £100.00 (including VAT) for non-members.
Attendees will need to make their own arrangements for lunch but tea and
coffee are provided.

To book a place, please contact Tanya Kirk at tanya.kirk at bl.uk
<mailto:tanya.kirk at bl.uk> , quoting your CILIP membership number (if
applicable), and stating to whom your invoice should be addressed.

We are also planning to run this course in Newcastle and possibly also
London in early 2012.



Date:    Fri, 11 Nov 2011 12:48:43 +1300
From:    Anthony Tedeschi <atedesch at DCC.GOVT.NZ>
Subject: Iconography exhibition - Dunedin Public Library

Dear Colleagues:

'Why is the Virgin Mary's gown blue?' 'Does that snail in the manuscript's
margin mean anything?' 'Who are those figures standing by the Cross?'

These questions were all asked by a recent visiting (and very inquisitive)
school group. The latest Reed Gallery exhibition 'Signs & Symbols: Decoding
Mediaeval and Renaissance Iconography' hopes to shed some light on once
familiar icons, and reacquaint visitors with the images and hidden messages
of centuries past.

The exhibition includes over thirty-five items from thirteenth-century
Bibles to an early-twentieth-century facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible.
Christian iconography lies at the heart of the exhibition, with
supplementary cases on such subjects as colour, flora and fauna, and the
printer's device.

A digital version is available (where you may also download a PDF item


This is the library's inaugural online exhibition. As such, I welcome
comments and suggestions on what we can do to tweak / improve the site for
future exhibitions.

Happy to post print copies of the item list upon request.

'Signs & Symbols: Decoding Mediaeval and Renaissance Iconography' runs until
22 January 2012. If travelling to New Zealand over the holidays, please do
call in.

Excuse cross-posting.

With best wishes,


Anthony Tedeschi
Rare Books Librarian
Heritage Collections, Dunedin Public Libraries
Dunedin City Council

230 Moray Place, Dunedin; PO Box 5542, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New
Telephone:  03 474 3690; Fax: 03 474 3660
Email: anthony.tedeschi at dcc.govt.nz; www.dunedinlibraries.govt.nz
Blog: antipodeanfootnotes.blogspot.com/

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End of LIS-RAREBOOKS Digest - 8 Nov 2011 to 10 Nov 2011 (#2011-141)

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