[DCRM-L] License, privilege, and imprimatur statements

Daryl Green dtg4 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Mon Apr 9 02:44:21 MDT 2012

I also always provide access to these statements in a quoted 500 note. I have had, on occasion, instances where a statement of privilege or licence was also intertwined within the imprint and have transcribed it fully in the appropriate 260 field.
These statements add valuable information for publication and printing history, and, in theory, if all these statements are transcribed, then they could be pulled together if a researcher wants to see every item that has certain statements.


Daryl Green
Rare Books Cataloguer
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From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Randal Brandt
Sent: 06 April 2012 23:42
To: dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu
Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] License, privilege, and imprimatur statements

I routinely give these types of statements in a quoted note. And, I feel strongly that they should be recorded somewhere. I'd be open to a discussion to revise the rules to give explicit instructions on them.

Randal Brandt

On 4/6/2012 12:02 PM, Deborah J. Leslie wrote:
I regret that we didn't directly address the status of license, privilege, and imprimatur statements that appear on the t.p. in DCRM(B). I was trained to silently omit them as falling under 1A2.2, but have for some years advocated making them a quoted note. I'm increasingly uncomfortable with that stance, since statements that either allow the printing or approve the content seem to me to be as much title (or publication) information as other things we regard as other title information.

I'm cataloging something now that has a ruled license statement between the statement of responsibility and the imprint, making it more prominent than the usual "auec priuilege du roy" that appears at the foot of many title pages.

I'm interested in two things from this community: what do you do with these statements, and what do you think ought to be done with such statements?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S. | Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 East Capitol St., S.E. | Washington, D.C. 20003
djleslie at folger.edu<mailto:djleslie at folger.edu> | 202.675-0369 | http://www.folger.edu<http://www.folger.edu/>



Randal Brandt

Principal Cataloger

The Bancroft Library

(510) 643-2275

rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu<mailto:rbrandt at library.berkeley.edu>


"It's hard enough to remember my opinions without

remembering my reasons for them"--The Streets.
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