[DCRM-L] DCRM(B) 0C2c as applied to Deodatus, Pantheum hygiasticum (1628/1629)
Noble, Richard
richard_noble at brown.edu
Tue Jul 24 11:42:35 MDT 2012
OK. It's OCLC 14317405, Brown http://josiah.brown.edu/record=b5664635.
PROVIDENCE, RI 02912 : 401-863-1187/FAX 863-3384 : RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Deborah J. Leslie <DJLeslie at folger.edu>wrote:
> Richard,****
> ** **
> I agree with John that your situation falls under 0C2(c). In the absence
> of authoritative bibliographical information to the contrary, one assumes
> two issues of this edition (or, since I’m deep in RDA training, two
> manifestations of the work: expression), which requires two master records.
> And if we at the Folger found only one master record that didn’t fit our
> issue, we’d create another.****
> ** **
> Regarding the construction of the 260, DCRM(B) is very clear that there is
> no assumed precedence of publisher over manufacturer. Since the imprint on
> the chief source of information (which the engraved title page is, thanks
> to its later date), consists of a grammatically inseparable statement of
> manufacture and of publication &c., 4A6.3.1 applies. Any mention of Basel
> would be confined to a note and/or a 752.****
> ** **
> By the way, the Folger buzz is that a certain Advanced Descriptive
> Bibliography course offered at Rare Book School is *fantastic*. ****
> ** **
> Deborah J. Leslie, M.A., M.L.S. | Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare
> Library****
> djleslie at folger.edu | 202.675-0369 | www.folger.edu****
> ** **
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On
> Behalf Of John Lancaster
> Sent: Monday, 23 July, 2012 22:27
> To: DCRM Revision Group List
> Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] DCRM(B) 0C2c as applied to Deodatus, Pantheum
> hygiasticum (1628/1629)****
> ** **
> I'd tend to prefer two separate records in this case - the bit that tips
> me in that direction is that König is clearly very separate from Darbellay,
> both in place and scope of business, and the letterpress title page looks
> perfectly good for a stand-alone publication. Given the earlier date on
> the letterpress title page, it seems awfully likely that copies were issued
> in Porrentruy, even if a substantial portion of the edition went to Basel.
> ****
> ** **
> If only one master record were chosen, I think it would have to be on the
> assumption that the work requires the 1629 title page. And on that basis,
> 0C2 is pretty clear: the criteria are to be applied in order, and c) deals
> with difference in date. As you say, 0C2d is not applicable if you assume
> the presence of both title pages. Even then, I'd be reluctant to treat the
> Darbellay imprint as manufacturing information - the way it's presented on
> the letterpress title page certainly looks a lot like what 4A6.2 was
> written to deal with. (Which leads me even more firmly back to two
> records.)****
> ** **
> As to including Basel in the 260, I think it's just a question of where to
> put the bracketed information - in subfield a, I'd think, since if you're
> assuming König to be the publisher, the place of publication is where he's
> located.****
> ** **
> John Lancaster****
> ** **
> ** **
> On Jul 23, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Noble, Richard wrote:****
> ** **
> > What would you all prefer to find in OCLC as the one record or two
> records of the very many that would best serve for Claudius Deodatus,
> Pantheumn hygiasticum (search: au= deodatus, claudius and yr: 1628-1629)?*
> ***
> > ****
> > The letterpress title pages would render as:****
> > ****
> > Bruntruti [Porrentruy, Switzerland] : Excudebat Wilhelmus Darbellay,
> Anno M DC XXVIII.****
> > ****
> > (Porrentruy is majority French-Speaking; its German name is Pruntrut.)**
> **
> > ****
> > There is an added engraved title in many or most but by no means all ***
> *
> > copies (Brown has only a bound-in photocopy of it) with imprint here ***
> *
> > quoted****
> > ****
> > 'Excusum Bruntruti et apud Ludovicum König inueniendum Anno MDCXXIX.'***
> *
> > ****
> > König was a large-scale bookseller in Basel, not the small town of
> Porrentruy (none of the OCLC records evidences awareness of his actual
> location). Quite how to render that in the 260 baffles me a bit, but the
> real question is: treat this as two issues (1628 without engr. ti., 1629
> with)? Or as one edition, following the engraved title per 0C2c (choose
> later date) and note that the engr. ti. is missing in some copies, and was
> perhaps issued directly without it by Darbellay?****
> > ****
> > I don't think 0C2d applies at all: the question is whether to treat the
> absence of the engraved title as copy specific and allow it to trump the
> letterpress title in a single master record, since it can probably never be
> proved that it wan't simply lost in all cases. The letterpress imprint
> could be treated as a manufacturing statement?****
> > ****
> > I don't think the tactic of a single record for the 1628 imprint, with a
> note re engraved title, is quite right bibliographically speaking--the
> engraved title is a true issue variant, at least--but that's the preference
> of most of the existing "master" records, and tolerable I suppose. ****
> > ****
> > Advanced or even very advanced descriptive bibliography is easier than
> this sort of cataloging ...****
> > ****
> > UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE, RI 02912 : 401-863-1187/FAX 863-3384 : ****
> ** **
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