[DCRM-L] FW: New editorial group for BSC

Lapka, Francis francis.lapka at yale.edu
Tue Nov 20 12:44:11 MST 2012

I am pleased to announce that Morag Boyd, Lori Dekydtspotter, Bob Maxwell, Aislinn Sotelo, and Catherine Uecker have agreed to join the new BSC editorial group to begin the process of reorganizing and re‐writing DCRM(B) based on RDA. Before Midwinter we will propose a charge for our group, for the review of the BSC and DCRM communities.

The new group will provide regular updates to the BSC and DCRM communities. In the course of our work, I am certain that we will frequently call upon the collective wisdom of the entire community, including (but not limited to) the editors of other DCRM modules, published and unpublished.


Francis Lapka, Catalog Librarian
Yale Center for British Art, Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts
1080 Chapel Street, PO Box 208280, New Haven, CT  06520
203.432.9672    francis.lapka at yale.edu<mailto:francis.lapka at yale.edu>

From: Carpenter, Jane [jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 9:14 AM
To: bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>
Subject: New editorial group for BSC

Dear BSC Colleagues,

BSC members have unanimously agreed to accept the TF report, and I'd like to move ahead with the TF's long-term recommendation to form a new editorial group to begin rewriting and reorganizing DCRM(B) for RDA.  I've asked Francis Lapka to chair this new group, and I'm very pleased that he has agreed to take on this very challenging project.  I know that Francis will be an excellent team leader; he knows DCRM and RDA well, and has been involved with DCRM/RDA issues in his work as CC:DA liaison, and as a member of the team that created the rare materials guidelines for the BSR this summer.

As time between now and Midwinter is short, Francis will be working quickly in the weeks ahead to put together a team, and formulate a working plan, initial steps, and timeline for discussion at Midwinter in Seattle.  He will follow up with information on the membership of the group.

Thanks again to the TF for helping BSC to understand the issues surrounding DCRM and RDA, and to refocus its agenda.  And thanks also to Francis for his willingness to chair this new working group.  I'm pleased that BSC can now embark on this new project to align DCRMB with RDA, a project that will demand contributions of expertise, time, and energy from all of us.  It will be an exciting year!

With thanks in advance to you all,

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