[DCRM-L] Deckled edges vs. Untrimmed edges

Noble, Richard richard_noble at brown.edu
Thu Dec 12 15:31:17 MST 2013

I assume--though without support from a scope note--the "deckled edges" are
edges treated so as to resemble those of untrimmed handmade paper, a bit of
late C19+ pseudo-poshery. Untrimmed edges are just untrimmed, whatever sort
of edges they may have, for which I wouldn't use the term "Deckled edges"
myself, though I might cite natural deckle edges in a note as evidence that
the paper in question is handmade.

I expect disagreement, for which there is certainly sufficient reason.
Perhaps the addition of a term "Artificial deckled edges" would clarify
usage. ("Deckle edges" would be the better usage, since deckle is a noun,
not a verb: a deckle leaves deckle edges in the sheet. "Deckle" as a verb
might mean ... to knock someone to the floor repeatedly?)

This interpretation *is* supported by the UF "Feathered edges" for "Deckled
edges", which could only be an artificial feature, if the phrase is even
standard usage in some context (I don't recall seeing it in a
bibliographical writing).

BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
<Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu>

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Ted P Gemberling <tgemberl at uab.edu> wrote:

>  I’ve noticed recently that our library has used both ACRL Paper terms
> “Deckled edges” and “Untrimmed edges.” I notice that both the Paper Terms
> and Binding Terms thesauri have “Untrimmed edges”; “Deckled” is only in
> Paper Terms. What is the difference? I looked up the terms in ABC for Book
> Collectors and couldn’t figure out what the difference was.
> Thanks,
> Ted P. Gemberling
> Historical Collections Cataloger
> UAB Lister Hill Library, rm. 234B
> 1720 Second Ave. South
> Birmingham, Ala. 35294-0013
> Phone: (205)934-2461
> Fax: (205)934-3545
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