[DCRM-L] Field 752

William Hale wah26 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Jul 15 09:22:48 MDT 2013

This is a question likely to provoke fisticuffs, but our practice here 
is to index the current town name and the current jurisdiction (only) 
regardless of anachronism. So Slovakia $d Kosice, and similarly Poland 
$d Wroclaw (= Breslau), Ukraine $d Lviv ( = Lemberg, Lwow), Belgium $d 
Antwerp etc. The historical objections to this are obvious, but the 
practical objections of finding appropriate terms on a case by case 
basis for towns whose names and states have varied widely over history 
should be equally obvious. This way everything printed in one location 
should be findable by a single search on the currently accepted term.

Best wishes,

William Hale.

Rare Books Department,
Cambridge University Library,
West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR,

Telephone: (+44) (0)1223 333122
Email: William.Hale at lib.cam.ac.uk

On 15/07/2013 16:15, Anna Malicka wrote:
> Good morning,
> Here is a question to which I cannot find answer. The book in hand is 
> a late 18th-c. breviary published in Kosice, Slovakia. However, at the 
> time of publication (and through most of its history) Slovakia was 
> part of Hungary. Which country should be listed in 752?  Or, can there 
> be two 752s? And if yes to the latter - should the city name be given 
> in the language of the country listed? Hungarians called Kosice Kassa.
> Thank you,
> Anna Malicka
> Catalog Librarian
> Buley Library
> Southern Connecticut State University

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