[DCRM-L] Occupation in authority record: 374 Bookseller $2 marcrelator
Erin Blake
EBlake at FOLGER.edu
Wed Nov 20 12:03:59 MST 2013
FYI, this seems worth sharing with the larger group, in case others were as slow to put it together as I was. Instead of "Booksellers and bookselling $2 lcsh" for Occupation in an authority record, we can use "Bookseller $2 marcrelator"
Long story short, for anyone who reads the whole thread, I'm not going to propose a code for RBMS relationship designators. It might be nice to have in theory, but I'm moving on to other things now.
Erin C. Blake, Ph.D. | Interim Head of Collection Information Services and Cataloging; Curator of Art & Special Collections | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 E. Capitol St. SE | Washington, DC 20003-1004 | office tel. +1 (202) 675-0323 | fax: +1 (202) 675-0328 | eblake at folger.edu | www.folger.edu | collation.folger.edu
From: Robert Maxwell [mailto:robert_maxwell at byu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 1:21 PM
To: Erin Blake
Cc: Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info)
Subject: RE: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
I’m not arguing that you shouldn’t apply for a code, but given that you’ve discovered a code for the MARC list, and given that all the RBMS relationship designators are in the MARC list, you could do this:
374 Bookseller $2 marcrelator
I’m going to start doing this myself—I hadn’t thought of looking in the MARC relator list for occupation terms, but obviously it’s full of them—in fact almost all the terms would be appropriate. And they’re singular. You’re brilliant ☺
Robert L. Maxwell
Ancient Languages and Special Collections Cataloger
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
"We should set an example for all the world, rather than confine ourselves to the course which has been heretofore pursued"--Eliza R. Snow, 1842.
From: Erin Blake [mailto:EBlake at folger.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:57 AM
To: Robert Maxwell; 'JOHN C ATTIG'
Cc: Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>)
Subject: RE: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
The RBMS relationship designators code wouldn't belong there, though. What I'm really looking for is a work-around to the fact that neither "archives and manuscripts" list of occupations seems to be shared outside their respective organizations.
From: Robert Maxwell [mailto:robert_maxwell at byu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:54 PM
To: Erin Blake; 'JOHN C ATTIG'
Cc: Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>)
Subject: RE: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
Oh, I thought you were wanting to use the code with a 5XX that includes a relationship designator. If you’re not thinking of identifying the term when it’s being used as a relationship designator (which your proposed use doesn’t), then won’t putting the proposed code in http://www.loc.gov/standards/sourcelist/relator-role.html hide it? If the proposed use is to use the term as an occupation term wouldn’t it be better to have the code in http://www.loc.gov/standards/sourcelist/occupation.html?
Robert L. Maxwell
Ancient Languages and Special Collections Cataloger
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
"We should set an example for all the world, rather than confine ourselves to the course which has been heretofore pursued"--Eliza R. Snow, 1842.
From: Erin Blake [mailto:EBlake at folger.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:48 AM
Cc: Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>)
Subject: RE: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
It would go in the "Occupation" field of an RDA Authority record.
We want to use "bookseller" instead of the LCSH term "booksellers and bookselling" (which mixes Occupation and Field of Activity, an RDA no-no)
For "field of activity" we can use "bookselling" (from the Thesaurus for Graphic materials) but there's no matching "occupation" term.
Erin C. Blake, Ph.D. | Interim Head of Collection Information Services and Cataloging | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 E. Capitol St. SE | Washington, DC 20003-1004 | office tel. +1 (202) 675-0323 | fax: +1 (202) 675-0328 | eblake at folger.edu<mailto:eblake at folger.edu> | www.folger.edu<http://www.folger.edu> | collation.folger.edu
From: JOHN C ATTIG [mailto:jxa16 at psu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:43 PM
To: Erin Blake
Cc: Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>)
Subject: Re: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
I'm puzzled by the presence of a code list for sources of relators and roles.
There is no $2 in which to record such a code in 1XX, 7XX or 8XX fields; there is a $2 in 6XX fields, but it identifies the source of the heading or term, not the source of any relators.
So where would one record "marcrelator" -- or new codes for "rbmsrelator" . . . or "rdarelator" for that matter?
John Attig
Authority Control Librarian
Penn State University
jxa16 at psu.edu<mailto:jxa16 at psu.edu>
From: "Erin Blake" <EBlake at folger.edu<mailto:EBlake at folger.edu>>
To: "Bib Standards Committee (bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>)" <bsc at rbms.info<mailto:bsc at rbms.info>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:42:07 AM
Subject: Need a source code for RBMS relationship designators?
We're looking for a MARC code we can use in RDA authority records to indicate RBMS relationship designators as the source, and can't find one.
It looks like it belongs on this list: http://www.loc.gov/standards/sourcelist/relator-role.html (which currently only has one source code: marcrelator)
Following that model, rbmsrelator would make sense.
Any objection if we propose that to the Network Development and MARC Standards Office (on behalf of BSC)?
Going once.... going twice.....
Erin C. Blake, Ph.D. | Interim Head of Collection Information Services and Cataloging | Folger Shakespeare Library | 201 E. Capitol St. SE | Washington, DC 20003-1004 | office tel. +1 (202) 675-0323 | fax: +1 (202) 675-0328 | eblake at folger.edu<mailto:eblake at folger.edu> | www.folger.edu<http://www.folger.edu> | collation.folger.edu
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