[DCRM-L] FW: RBMS CV agenda

Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Wed Jan 15 17:53:53 MST 2014

The Controlled Vocabularies Subcommittee of the Bibliographic Standards Committee of RBMS is working on the following additions and changes to the thesauri. If you are interested in commenting, and we hope you are, please contact Ryan Hildebrand at ryan.hildebrand [at] austin.utexas.edu for access to the wiki. Alternatively, you are welcome to attend the meeting at the Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia on Friday, January 24th.

4. New proposals

Relationship designator: patron of manuscript http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/72363608/Patron%20of%20manuscript
Relationship designator: indexer http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/71089907/indexer
Printing and Publishing: Accidental impressions (change request) http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/71259812/Accidental%20impressions
Provenance: Fists (change request) http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/71259857/Fists
Paper Terms: Abaca fibers http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/72431084/Abaca%20fibers
Binding Terms: Drop spine boxes http://rbmsthesauri.pbworks.com/w/page/72421946/Drop%20spine%20box
Relationship designator: printer (re-examine existing hierarchy)

Nina M. Schneider
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee

Head Cataloger
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018
(323) 731-8529

nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

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