[DCRM-L] FW: RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group charge

Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Mon Jul 14 12:04:20 MDT 2014


I hope you are all doing well

For those of you who weren't at ALA last month--or for those of you who were but perhaps unaware of this, the Bibliographic Standards Committee wants to formalize the Controlled Vocabularies group. During the BSC meeting, a draft charge was discussed and a number of edits were suggested. It also became obvious at the Executive Committee meeting the following Monday, that although both BSC and PubComm approved the co-chair idea for CV, calling them "co-chairs" confused the issue since the new editorial group formation/charge wasn't approved. We decided to table the final approval for co-editors from Exec until the group is approved. Ryan Hildebrand has been identified as the technical editor (PubComm) and Jane Carpenter has been identified as the content editor (BSC).

I have attached the revised draft charge and also pasted it below.

If you have any comments, questions, or opinions on this, please let me know by Friday, July 18th. I will put up a vote on ALA Connect after that date.



Nina M. Schneider
Chair, RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee

Head Cataloger
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018
(323) 731-8529

nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu

Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group
Draft Charge - July 2014

Charge: Under the aegis of the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee (BSC), the Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group is responsible for Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging. The group will develop and maintain content and access of the RBMS controlled vocabularies. 

Membership [as approved by BSC in April, 2014]: This group will be co-edited by a member of Bibliographic Standards Committee and a member of the Publications & Communications Committee. One editor, appointed by the vice chair/chair elect in consultation with the chair of the Bibliographic Standards Committee, will serve on the Bibliographic Standards Committee and be responsible for content development and editing. The other editor, appointed by the vice chair/chair elect in consultation with the chair of the Publications & Communications Committee and the Bibliographic Standards Committee, will serve on the Publications & Communications Committee with the sole responsibility of creation and maintenance of the infrastructure containing the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies. The appointments will be new two-year term appointments apart from his or her original appointment to the Bibliographic Standards Committee and/or the Publications Committee, and may be renewed once for an additional two years.
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