[DCRM-L] nomenclature assistance

Laurence S. Creider lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu
Wed Oct 8 16:54:57 MDT 2014

I looked in Carter's ABC, 2nd ed.
and the entry for "Waste" does seem like it might be construed to cover
your situation:

"Spoiled or surplus printed sheets are called waste. Binders have often
used these in the back of a volume, for making up boards, or in earlier
days for endpapers. Such waste might derive either from a printing
house (proofs, trial sheets, over-running the desired quantity) ...."

This does involve the notion that the extra sheets be expected to be used
in binding, but it does not require it.  If you think that the term
printer's waste does not work, how about "extra printed sheets (or
leaves)," :surplus printed sheets" "print overrun," or the like?  Or use
the term in the finding aid and make an access point for that?


P.S. I am at home and cannot check any of the usual suspects.  Carter is
on the BSC Directory of Internet Resources

Laurence S. Creider
Head, Archives and Special Collections Dept.
University Library
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
Work: 575-646-4756
Fax: 575-646-7477
lcreider at lib.nmsu.edu

On Wed, October 8, 2014 4:08 pm, Schneider, Nina wrote:
> Hi everyone
> My intern is sorting through the archives of a printer. She's run across a
> few stacks of printed leaves that seem to be extra printings. That is, if
> an edition was limited to 100 and the printer printed 103 sheets of one
> particular forme, then what is left are three extra sheets that are in
> excess of the edition.
> I was thinking of using printers' waste or binders' waste, but that's not
> quite right. Neither are offprints since this material isn't complete.
> Any ideas? It doesn't have to be an RBMS CV term, just a label for an
> archival collection.
> Thanks!
> Nina
> +---------------
> Nina M. Schneider
> Head Cataloger
> William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
> 2520 Cimarron Street
> Los Angeles, CA  90018
> (323) 731-8529
> nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
> http://www.clarklibrary.ucla.edu/

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