[DCRM-L] 510 citations and the SCF

Auyong, Dorothy dauyong at huntington.org
Wed Aug 12 14:37:23 MDT 2015

The Huntington OPAC displays the 510 as "Bibl Refs" -short for "Bibliographic References" and a hold out from our 90s OPAC's very limited label length.  We need to do an overhaul of some of these. But clearly when we designed the labels we were thinking of it to store references to descriptions of the material being cataloged and not other uses.

524 is "Cite As", I'd prefer it to read as "Preferred Citation" to match finding aids as well.

We have the added complication that Aeon is currently working as screen scrapes so if we mess with our labels, we break our AEON request mapping, so don't everyone go all crazy out there changing your field labels if you've already installed AEON.

Dorothy Auyong
Principal Catalog Librarian/Archivist
Henry E. Huntington Library
Acquistions Cataloging and Metadata Services
dauyong at huntington.org

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