[DCRM-L] Friday afternoon question

Schneider, Nina nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
Sat Aug 15 08:24:39 MDT 2015

Thanks, John. I have been removing them when cataloging in OCLC, but then had one of those, "hmmm, maybe I shouldn't be doing this moments" yesterday. Glad I don't have to go back and add them!


Nina Schneider
Head Cataloger
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
University of California, Los Angeles
2520 Cimarron Street
Los Angeles, CA  90018

(323) 731-8529
nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu <dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu> on behalf of JOHN LANCASTER <jjlancaster at me.com>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 7:41 PM
To: DCRM Users' Group
Cc: Christine Straitt
Subject: Re: [DCRM-L] Friday afternoon question

Hi Nina - Christine Straitt of ESTC/NA tells me that in the old days, the software system in use by ESTC actually required each number to have a fixed length, six digits, so when those references were added, they conformed to the requirements at the time. (Maybe OCLC could run a batch program to remove leading zeroes?). Current references should be added just as they appear in ESTC, without leading zeroes.


Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 14, 2015, at 7:00 PM, Schneider, Nina <nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu> wrote:
> I've been noticing that the ESTC references in OCLC are using a leading 0 between the letter and the first digit in the ESTC number. Instead of ESTC $c N26206, I see ESTC $c N026206.
> Someone unfamiliar with ESTC might search the database with the leading zero, resulting in no hits, but if you take out that zero, then the record is easy enough to find.
> The Friday afternoon question: Is there a problem in taking out that leading zero when working on a record in OCLC?
> Thanks,
> Nina
> +---------------
> Nina M. Schneider
> Rare Books Librarian
> William Andrews Clark Memorial Library
> 2520 Cimarron Street
> Los Angeles, CA  90018
> (323) 731-8529
> nschneider at humnet.ucla.edu
> http://www.clarklibrary.ucla.edu/
> ** Please note that the Clark Library will be CLOSED for our seismic retrofit beginning in April 2015 **
> ****************************************************************************

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