[DCRM-L] OCLC's IR webinar (May 13)

Oksana Linda olinda at umich.edu
Thu Aug 27 09:02:41 MDT 2015

Hi Audrey,
Thank you for bringing up the issue. Here at the Clements Library we
decided to sign up for one-time Reclamation project from our ILS and opt
out of the LBD project. What's the point of LBD if nobody can see the
information? We'll be creating IR until the very end.


Oksana K. Linda
Rare Books Cataloger
William L. Clements Library
University of Michigan
909 South University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190

Temporary address:
1580 E. Ellsworth Road
Ann Arbor, MI  48108-2417
The Clements Library will close on August 31, 2015, in preparation for the
move back to campus.  We will re-open at *909 South University Ave.* in
January 2016.  Please contact the Library with any questions.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Pearson, Audrey <audrey.pearson at yale.edu>

> Please forgive me for resurrecting this old email thread, but I took a
> look back on these messages today and would like to generate more
> discussion.
> The deadline for deciding whether to delete our IRs or migrate them to LBD
> looms ever closer, and at Yale we have yet to come to a decision. In
> Jennifer’s email from May, she states that it is possible for others to
> view the LBD. My understanding is that LBD from other institutions will not
> be viewable in Record Manager when we are cataloging, but will be viewable
> regardless of institutional affiliation in WorldCat Local and WorldCat
> Discovery.
> Are there others who are currently using WMS or who have transitioned to
> LBD who can chime in? What I’d really like are examples (perhaps
> screenshots) of records that show LBD from multiple institutions in the
> same display. Every example I’ve seen so far, numbering approximately two,
> has shown LBD of the same institution whose WorldCat Local was used to
> display the record.
> On the other hand, are there institutions who have deleted their IRs
> without migrating to LBD? If so, has this had a noticeable effect on
> workflow, reference, user discovery, etc.?
> Thanks in advance for any examples or information you can provide.
> Audrey Pearson
> Catalog/Metadata Librarian
> Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
> P.O. Box 208330
> New Haven, CT 06520-8330
> 203-432-1702
> audrey.pearson at yale.edu
> The Beinecke Library’s building is closed for renovation until September
> 2016.  We have opened a temporary reading room in Sterling Memorial
> Library, but access to some collections may be limited during the
> renovation. For more information, visit our renovation website
> <http://beineckelibraryrenovation.yale.edu>.
> *From:* dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] *On
> Behalf Of *Jennifer MacDonald
> *Sent:* Friday, May 15, 2015 10:18 AM
> *To:* Allison_Rich at brown.edu; DCRM Users' Group
> *Subject:* Re: [DCRM-L] OCLC's IR webinar (May 13)
> Dear colleagues,
> I have been silent on all of this, but I guess it's time to chime in.
> University of Delaware became the first "major" institution to adopt
> WorldShare Management Services, and we migrated last summer.
> WMS (which goes by many derogatory nicknames here, like WMD) is the way
> OCLC takes over your ILS. Circulation, reserves, cataloging, acquisitions,
> everything.  Not to put too fine a point on it, hearing talk about going to
> check an institution's local catalog makes me cringe, because WE NO LONGER
> HAVE A LOCAL CATALOG. We have OCLC records with extra things dangling from
> them. Whenever I explain it to someone outside of our library, they ask if
> I'm looking for another job (I'm not). The library spent about 18 months
> working with OCLC on the system, then another 12 months when it became
> clear that they wouldn't be ready for the go live date, and there is still
> continual communication and activity between UD and OCLC.
> When I search for a record in the metadata module of WMS, it takes me to
> the master record, the Local Bib Data (if there is one), and the Local
> Holdings Record (if there is one). Local notes go into the LBD (natch, but
> you never know with these things). Because I've been in denial for the past
> year, I haven't checked what our records look like on the other end, but I
> figured now was the time, and I have had a friend at a different
> institution take a look. *It is, in fact, possible for others to see the
> LBD*. When the holdings come up in WorldCat.org (I don't know about
> FirstSearch, I didn't check that yet), if you click on the holding
> library's name, the notes come up under the "Details" section.  This isn't
> a very exciting record (the book happened to be on my desk because one of
> the copies dropped out in the migration, which is a story for another day),
> but if you want to take a look, this is the record she checked:
> http://www.worldcat.org/title/entailed-hat-or-patty-cannons-times-a-romance/oclc/1875667&referer=brief_results
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.worldcat.org_title_entailed-2Dhat-2Dor-2Dpatty-2Dcannons-2Dtimes-2Da-2Dromance_oclc_1875667-26referer-3Dbrief-5Fresults&d=AwMDaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=6n5a8966Grm-eyvHPjKQAfrnrY1uREU0tmeF9Nuk8H8&m=hYML2mHXWihB2bKQdxLbG5EHi5KKYx4IxGL0HIGa7aE&s=l-XJS5D7wxR_okn3kUdh1h4a00G10nyu6w5f7mZWEVw&e=>
> Believe me, I'm not a fan of WMS, but at least for now, I know people can
> see our local data. Or at least she could ...
> Jennifer MacDonald
> On 5/14/2015 5:31 PM, Allison Rich wrote:
> Hi Karen:
> Furthermore, the Harvard Library has 30 OCLC symbols in use; I asked in the 11am webinar if individual libraries would be able to view the others' LBD. The response was that we would only be able to view the symbol associated with the login.  Speaking personally, I can't imagine that the LBD would ever be more useful than Harvard's shared local catalog (or even the notes on our old catalog cards, for that matter).
> Ah interesting. Then I heard that wrong. I apologize for making that claim
> then.
> As that is the case then searching in HOLLIS will give you a far better
> idea than LBDs!!
> I also found the statement that no end of life date has been determined for Connexion quite ominous.  More generally speaking, I found the responses were often very vague and didn't necessarily answer the question being asked in a meaningful way.
> Very much agreed, Honor. The answers were very vague that way and most
> unsatisfying.
> ~Allison
> --
> ********************************
> "Outside of a dog,
> a book is probably man's best friend,
> and inside of a dog,
> it's too dark to read.
> - Groucho Marx"
> Allison Rich
> Rare Materials Cataloguer
> ESTC and NACO Coordinator
> John Carter Brown Library
> Providence, Rhode Island
> Allison_Rich at brown.edu
> ********************************
> --
> Jennifer MacDonald
> Associate Librarian and Coordinator,
> Special Collections Cataloging and Processing
> Metadata Services Department
> University of Delaware Library
> Newark, DE 19717-5267
> 302-831-1512
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