[DCRM-L] Abbreviation for broadsheet format?

Deborah J. Leslie DJLeslie at FOLGER.edu
Wed Jul 15 19:11:49 MDT 2015

"(full-sheet)" - DCRM(B) 5D1.3. It seems to be missing from RDA; from the glossary in any case.

Deborah J. Leslie | Folger Shakespeare Library | djleslie at folger.edu | 202.675-0369 | 201 East Capitol St., SE, Washington, DC 20003 | www. folger.edu

From: dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu [mailto:dcrm-l-bounces at lib.byu.edu] On Behalf Of Ted P Gemberling
Sent: Wednesday, 15 July 2015 17:02
To: DCRM Revision Group List (dcrm-l at lib.byu.edu)
Subject: [DCRM-L] Abbreviation for broadsheet format?

Is there an abbreviation you would put in after the centimeter size for broadsheet format in the 300? Or do you just write out the word in parentheses? 1mo seems a little strange since the "mo." refers to folding, doesn't it?

Ted P. Gemberling
Historical Collections Cataloger
UAB Lister Hill Library, rm. 234B
1720 Second Ave. South
Birmingham, Ala. 35294-0013
Phone: (205)934-2461
Fax: (205)934-3545

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