[DCRM-L] Double leaves

Noble, Richard richard_noble at brown.edu
Tue Jun 30 14:53:42 MDT 2015

Double leaves intended to function as such, and to be bound as here
described (whether or not the binding is correct in a given copy) are worth
this degree of special attention--they may be an issue point (=evidence of
variant manifestation), most likely as taken together with other evidence,
but still ...

Under caption "Beating Dead Horse": It simply isn't appropriate to refer to
letterpress leaves as "plates"; it's one of the fundamental principles of
bibliographical analysis. I would have  no trouble with "[2] folded
letterpress leaves" in the 300 field--where explicit "letterpress" acts as
a confirmation that the leaves are *not* plates. I'd go so far (self irony)
as to concede that *inserted* relief illustrations could be referred to as
plates (leaves or pages), even though they may have been printed in the
same operation. On the other hand, I suppose general use of "plates" makes
less of a demand on cataloger knowledge/judgment where a complete inventory
of physical bits is of principal concern.

BROWN UNIVERSITY  ::  PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02912  ::  401-863-1187
<Richard_Noble at Br <RICHARD_NOBLE at BROWN.EDU>own.edu>

On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Deborah J. Leslie <DJLeslie at folger.edu>

>  Is there any useful reason to maintain separate treatment of folded
> leaves of plates vs. double leaves?
> 5B9.3. Leaves or pages of plates
> Record folded leaves as leaves or pages of plates
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbPlateSLASHglossary&hash=PlateSLASHglossary&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>.
> Make a note to indicate any folded letterpress
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbLetterpressSLASHglossary&hash=LetterpressSLASHglossary&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> leaves, if considered important
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbIfSPACEconsideredSPACEimportant&hash=IfSPACEconsideredSPACEimportant&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>.
> 50, [2] p., [2] folded leaves of plates
> Optional note
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbOptionalSPACEnote&hash=OptionalSPACEnote&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> : The folded leaves are letterpress
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbLetterpressSLASHglossary&hash=LetterpressSLASHglossary&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> tables
> 5B11. Double leaves
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?&view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=aacr22PERIOD5B11&hash=2PERIOD5B11&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> Count numbered double leaves (leaves with fold at either top or fore edge
> and bound at the inner margin) as pages or as leaves according to their
> numbering. Count unnumbered double leaves as pages (2 printed pages per
> double leaf) or as leaves (1 printed page per double leaf). Always
> indicate the presence of double leaves in a note.
> [36] p.
> Note
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbNote&hash=Note&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> : Printed on double leaves
> [18] leaves
> Note
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbNote&hash=Note&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> : Printed on 18 double leaves
> 72 p., 1 leaf of plates
> Note
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbNote&hash=Note&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> : Plate
> <http://desktop.loc.gov/search?view=document&doc_action=setdoc&doc_keytype=foliodestination&doc_key=dcrmbPlateSLASHglossary&hash=PlateSLASHglossary&fq=myresources%7Ctrue>
> printed on a double leaf
> Deborah J. Leslie, for the DCRM/RDA Task Group
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