[DCRM-L] New Genre Term Scope Notes open for comment on RBMS Controlled Vocabularies discussion blog

Carpenter, Jane jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu
Thu May 14 15:35:05 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Controlled Vocabularies Editorial team has posted 8 new Genre Term scope notes to the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Community Discussion blog  http://rbms.info/cv-comments/

Although these terms were already part of  Genre Terms, and have established usage, they lacked scope notes.  The CV team is  undertaking a systematic a review of all of those terms without scope notes, and composing definitions for each of them.

We are currently seeking feedback from those in the rare materials community on the scope notes for the following terms:

*       Abridgements
*       Academic dissertations
*       Baccalaureate addresses
*       Baccalaureate sermons
*       Fantasy literature
*       Folk plays
*       Literary quarrels
*       Novellas

Please post your comments on the CV Community Discussion blog http://rbms.info/cv-comments/  during the discussion period which runs from May 15 to May 22.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Jane Carpenter and Ryan Hildebrand, Co-Chairs
RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group

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