[DCRM-L] CV Updates

Carpenter, Jane jfcarpenter at library.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 27 16:50:17 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group has posted 12 new Genre Term scope notes to the RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Community Discussion blog.  We would love to have feedback from you-please post your comments to our blog.  And thanks to Web Team members Alison Clemens and Kelli Hansen, a custom search bar has been added to the CV blog page, now making it easily searchable.

Posted on CV Blog for comment: The comment period runs through November 4, 2015:
*       Picture novels (Propose changing to Stories without words)
*       Stations of the cross (Propose deleting)
*       Penny dreadfuls
*       Posters
*       Samizdat
*       Three deckers
*       Song sheets
*       Songs
*       Songsters
*       Trade catalogs
*       Yellowbacks
*       War sermons
*       Approved: Scope notes for the following 10 terms have been finalized and will be added to the Controlled Vocabularies genre list in the next update: http://rbms.info/vocabularies/genre/alphabetical_list.htm
*       Cookbooks
*       Contracts
*       Constitutions
*       Congressional addresses
*       Epistolary novels
*       Ballad operas (historical time period revised from "of the 18th century" to "chiefly associated with the 18th century")
*       Ballads
*       Sales catalogs
*       Royal petitions
*       Essays

Don't forget that you can always propose new terms for the thesauri by submitting the form on the Controlled Vocabularies webpage: http://rbms.info/vocabularies/form_thesaurus_term_proposal.shtml
*       We look forward to hearing from you!
Jane Carpenter and Ryan Hildebrand, Co-Chairs
RBMS Controlled Vocabularies Editorial Group
Amy F. Brown, Genre Terms Scope Note Project

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