[DCRM-L] New Standard Citation Forms

Ann K.D. Myers akdmyers at stanford.edu
Thu Feb 18 11:29:08 MST 2016

At the Midwinter meeting, the Standard Citation Forms (SCF) editorial team was asked to announce to DCRM-L when new citation forms are added to the database (http://rbms.info/scf/). A spreadsheet with all of the new citations added in 2015 is available here, and includes links to the relevant pages in the database: http://scfrevision.pbworks.com/w/page/93585614/New%20citation%20forms%20created

We have added 4 new citation forms so far in 2016. They are as follows:

  *   William Blackstone collection in the Yale Law Library http://rbms.info/scf/?post_type=scf_entries&p=2663
  *   Laeuchli, A.J. Bibliographical catalog of William Blackstone http://rbms.info/scf/?post_type=scf_entries&p=2664
  *   Streeter, T.W. Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845 http://rbms.info/scf/?post_type=scf_entries&p=2665
  *   Jenkins, J.H. Basic Texas books http://rbms.info/scf/?post_type=scf_entries&p=2666

As always, if you have questions or spot corrections that need to be made, you can reach us through the Contact Us form on the SCF website: http://rbms.info/scf/contact-the-standard-citation-form-team-editorial-board/ and if you have new citations you would like to propose, you can submit them through the Submit a Proposal form: http://rbms.info/scf/submit-proposals-for-new-citation-forms/

Thank you,

--Ann Myers

Ann K.D. Myers

Rare Books Cataloger

Stanford University Libraries

Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives

425 Broadway, Suite 200

Redwood City, CA 94063


akdmyers at stanford.edu
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