[DCRM-L] Cataloging production outcomes
Lawler, Martha
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu
Tue Nov 1 13:56:30 MDT 2016
Hello all,
This topic has been discussed before, so my apologies for bringing it up again. Our collection is actually owned by a private foundation and the foundation board have been very supportive of our work. However, one member is questioning why it is taking so long to get everything cataloged. The whole collection contains approximately 250,000 items and slightly more than 40,000 have been cataloged. Up until two years ago, I was the only cataloger, so the foundation hired two more catalogers. Together they add about 600 items to the online catalog per month and I add about 100. At this point, most of what we do is copy-cataloging, which is done using rare book guidelines, even if the item is not particularly special. I handle the more difficult materials and supervise the general workflow. All of us also handle other duties, such as reference questions, tour groups, exhibits, etc. As a faculty member and as the supervisor, I also have other duties that take time away from cataloging.
The foundation board, especially this particular member, want us to promote the collection and help researchers, in addition to cataloging, which is fine with us. I have explained that those activities take away from cataloging and that the amount we accomplish is not too bad. I have also explained that the extra attention to detail is not only what researchers need, but also creates a more precise inventory record.
I am curious to know how other institutions manage the cataloging workflow. Are we going too slow? The option of reducing the amount of detail is not what anyone wants. How do you explain to benefactors (who are not familiar with library work, particularly cataloging) the amount of time and care it takes to create a truly beneficial product?
The board meets on Friday and I have been asked to create a report on the status of our cataloging. I would like to be able to give some idea of how we compare to other cataloging departments. Any thoughts, comments, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance!
Martha M. Lawler, MLS
Principal Cataloger
James Smith Noel Collection
Louisiana State University Shreveport
Office: (318) 798-4163 Fax: (318) 797-5156
Martha.Lawler at lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=H7FZ4RMQSGOZAqtO5bOiGQwgQEO0cV8uMkMZnkFraYD8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9WWxKdVZGQy1NLTRzYUtQeHlaQUF6QjQ4VU5ESFNpc1oyZDZCNXU5T2tlTWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5U2pkRmVVSmtRMmhoZWpGeGRXZFpNRkE1TUVOclJIazNZWGxKVTJKR09XbHNRakpWUVdOdGEyOXlRWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm5SWlYyeHpaRWM0TmxSWFJubGtSMmhvVEd0NGFHUXllR3hqYTBKell6Tldla3h0Vm10a1VTNHU.> www.lsus.edu<https://connect.emailsrvr.com/owa/redir.aspx?REF=PsGy8Nqvw75KmWiL7M41kQf8WCbmsj03-Qsxhf3nv3X8iDSWaPTTCAFodHRwczovL2Nvbm5lY3QuZW1haWxzcnZyLmNvbS9vd2EvcmVkaXIuYXNweD9SRUY9MUNkanh4SzVHTkpBQU5ZdEx0UmZ3Z1cyeS1vZm9GdUZLQzhQYUlVTW9JWWxVMUdiVl9UVENBRm9kSFJ3Y3pvdkwyTnZibTVsWTNRdVpXMWhhV3h6Y25aeUxtTnZiUzl2ZDJFdmNtVmthWEl1WVhOd2VEOVNSVVk5TUMxbVZpMU9PV0ZCY2swek9XSTVXbDlaWmxabmFsVldkbmQyZDAxUU9IRk1ORzR3U0U4NFZrRmhSWE50Ylc1d2RsQlFWRU5CUm05a1NGSjNUMms0ZG1RelpETk1iWGg2WkZoTmRWcFhVakZNZHk0dQ..>
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