[DCRM-L] Deadline extended - we are still accepting applications for the Head of Cataloging at Binghamton University.

Rachel B Turner turnerr at binghamton.edu
Tue Aug 27 12:56:08 MDT 2019

***Please excuse cross postings***

Review of applicants was pushed back due to the start of the semester.
There is still time to apply for the Head of Cataloging and Metadata
position at Binghamton University in the beautiful Southern Tier of upstate
New York! This is a great position for someone with supervisory skills
looking to advance their career, or an experienced manager looking for a
new adventure. The Head will supervise a staff of 8, provide leadership as
we learn and explore our new LSP Alma, and be a part of a collegial team of
library staff.


*Rachel Berman Turner*
Senior Assistant Librarian for Cataloging | Subject Librarian for Judaic
*Binghamton University Libraries*
(607) 777-4851
turnerr at binghamton.edu
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