[DCRM-L] Ideas for Cataloging/Tech Services Conference Sessions?

Bychowski, Brenna brenna.bychowski at yale.edu
Thu Jan 3 13:02:26 MST 2019


Since our meeting at Annual last year, the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee (BSC) is recommitting to our efforts to increase and support the presence of cataloging/technical services-related programming at RBMS conferences. To that end, we are calling for suggestions of topics for all kinds of sessions for the 2020 RBMS conference in Bloomington, IN. BSC will review all completed proposals at our meeting at Annual 2019 and we would love to have a robust selection to support (and to hopefully attend in 2020!).

We also recognize that proposal writing can be time-consuming, especially if you've not done it before. If you have a topic idea and are willing to write a session proposal, BSC will work with you to draft the proposal. BSC has created a dedicated subgroup for supporting program planning, and I and my fellow members of this group will provide assistance and guidance in creating strong proposals. We would ideally like to have potential topics before Midwinter so that the committee can have a preliminary discussion during our meeting. However, we will be accepting proposal suggestions after that. The goal is to begin the proposal writing process around the end of March, leaving a few months to work before the final review at Annual.

Please reply to me off list (brenna.bychowski at yale.edu<mailto:brenna.bychowski at yale.edu>) if you have a potential topic and/or are willing to draft a session proposal, or if you have any questions.

On behalf of BSC,
Brenna Bychowski

Brenna Bychowski
Catalog/Metadata Librarian
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Yale University
brenna.bychowski at yale.edu

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